Samsung TV Volume Not Working Or Stuck – Here Are Updated Solutions 2022

Samsung TV Volume Not Working Problems and Solutions:

Don’t worry if you are facing problems regarding your TV and if you cannot change the volume on your Samsung TV or if it is stuck at the volume you last set it at. However, this is a very common problem. Could you find out how to fix it? Moreover, if volume is not working or stuck on your Samsung TV below are updated methods to fix these problems.


Samsung TV volume not working / stuck. 

To fix volume related problems you need to reset the Smart Hub of your Samsung TV if the volume is not working or is stuck. Scroll down to Support> Self Diagnosis > Reset Smart Hub from the Settings menu on your remote. Enter the TV’s PIN (the default is “0000”). Indeed, the volume should work now! The reset takes 30 seconds.


Reset the Smart Hub

Samsung Smart Hub is essentially just a customizable app store for your TV.

During a Smart Hub reset, all information from your account is deleted, and the settings are reset to their factory defaults.

There may be a need to resign from some applications after you have done this.

Click Settings on your remote to begin. You can press the Menu button instead of the Settings button if you don’t have one.

Then select Support and finally Self Diagnosis. A Reset Smart Hub option should appear. Click on it.

Enter your TV’s PIN. This will be “0000” unless you previously set one. After entering the PIN, your TV’s Smart Hub settings will be reset. Your volume problem should be resolved immediately.

Do not hesitate to move on to the next step and make sure you delete any unused apps! If you don’t, it will only be a matter of time before this volume issue occurs again.


Delete apps to free up memory

Now that you have reset the smart hub, the next thing you should do is delete any apps you are not using.

You must do this in order to ensure that your volume issue does not return!

Samsung TVs have automatic updates that clog up your memory with apps that are downloaded on your behalf. If you want to solve your volume issue long-term, you’ll need to clear out any unused apps.

You need to first go to the “Apps” menu in order to fix this. It’s on the left-hand side of the home screen.

From there, go to Settings, which can be found at the top right of the screen (represented by a gear icon).

Using this section, you can view all of the apps that have been downloaded to your Samsung TV. These were either added before you bought your TV or were updated automatically.

No matter what, you’ll want to go through, one by one, and delete any apps you don’t use.

Samsung won’t let you delete several apps. Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, VUDU, etc., are just a few examples. Don’t worry about this; just ignore them.


Only use one remote.

Another thing to consider once your Samsung TV volume is working again is to only use the Samsung remote from now on.

Please do not use any other generic remotes like cable, Xfinity, DirectTV, etc.

Many users who have been experiencing these volume problems have reported fixing it by following the steps above, but as soon as they use a different remote, the issue reappears.

It is unclear why this is happening, but it is likely that a signal from the generic remote is interfering with your Samsung TV remote.

Getting rid of the other remotes is the easiest thing to do.


Power cycle your TV.

You might also want to power cycle your TV for a soft reset. Usually, this fixes intermittent issues that arise from time to time.

Unplug your Samsung TV from the wall and wait about 30 seconds.

You should hold the power button on the TV for at least 10 seconds before plugging it back in. Make sure it’s the power button on the TV, not the power button on the remote!

It drains any residual power in your TV and allows it to soft reset.

Plug your TV back in, and you’re done!


Factory reset your TV.

Once you’ve tried all of the above steps and your Samsung TV is still having volume issues or getting stuck, it’s time to factory reset it.

A factory reset is different from power cycling in that it restores your television to its original factory settings after a hard reset. Your television’s information and settings will be erased.

Therefore, this step is further down the list of things to try.

Depending on the year of manufacture, the process for factory resetting your Samsung TV varies slightly. Another article here explains exactly how to reset your TV based on its model year.

It would be best to go to Settings > Support (or General) > Self Diagnosis and then Reset on a high level.


Samsung Remote Support:

You can always try calling the Samsung Contact Centre and asking for remote Support.

1. Go to the Support section of your TV’s menu.

2. Select Remote Management, then read and accept the service agreements. When the PIN screen appears, provide the agent with the PIN number.

3. The agent will then access your television


In order for Remote Service to operate, your TV must be connected to a high-speed internet connection. Moreover, you won’t be able to connect if your TV cannot access the internet or if your internet connection is slow.



If the Samsung TV volume is not working or is stuck, don’t panic; these problems can arise and can be fixed. It is a known issue with a relatively straightforward fix.

You should first reset your TV’s Smart Hub. Your hub will immediately be restored to its original settings, and your volume issue will be resolved.

The next step is to go to your apps settings and delete any apps you don’t use. Samsung pre-loads many of these apps onto your TV, and some are automatically updated.

These apps use up valuable memory on your TV, and if you don’t clear the memory, you will likely run into the same volume issue in the future.

You can try power cycling your TV and then factory reset it if you’ve taken the two steps above, but you’re still having volume issues.

Moreover, for the last resort, you can always contact the Samsung Contact Centre.

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I hope this was helpful! Please be sure to leave a comment below if you solved your volume issue some other way!




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