Universal Remote Codes

Did you just buy a universal remote control but scratching your head on how to use it? Does this alien tech make you wonder how it will operate any device? Worry not, we got a manual on how to program universal remote for any device. Here, you will also get universal remote control codes for any device.

First, you need to program universal remote for the device you want to operate. There is a list of universal remote codes for each device. You need to enter the code and program universal remote for it. We will guide you to your solution and give you all codes for each device. There will be one for you in there. So, let’s begin!


Universal Remote Codes

Check The Code List Version

First of all, you need to check the code list version of your universal remote control. There are three types of universal remote control codes. They are CL3, CL4, and CL5.

CL3 universal remote control codes start with zero and have three numbers (technically 4 digits) for example, 0275. CL4 has four as 5693, and CL5 has 5 digits as 38297.

To check your code list version, remove the batteries from the back. There you will find a sticker that will tell your remote’s CL version and its model. Take a note of it and put the batteries back.

universal remote control codes
Universal Remote Codes

How To Program Universal Remote Control

Now it’s time to program a universal remote for the desired device. There are two simple methods to program a universal remote.


1.    Input Direct Codes

1st Step: Press and hold on to the setup button. Keep it until the red light turns on. Once you see the red light, the controller is in setup mode.

2nd Step: Now press the device button that you want to operate with the universal remote control. If it has its light, it will turn on.

3rd Step: Now, enter the universal remote control code from the list given below. After pressing the last digit of universal remote code, the red light will turn off.

4th Step: Now check the controller by pointing it in the direction of the device. Try basic functions like power on/off. If the device responds accordingly, then it has been set up.

5th Step: If it does not respond (if there is more than one code for a device), repeat the steps with the next code in the list until you find the correct one.


2.    Manual Codes Search

1st Step: Turn on the device that you want to control.

2nd Step: Press and hold the device’s button and the power button, both simultaneously. Hold on to them until the red light turns on. Then release them at the same time.

3rd Step: Point the universal remote control in the direction of the device and press the power button once. Wait for a while and see if the device is turned off.

4th Step: If the device turns off, then you get the correct universal remote code.

5th Step: If it doesn’t turn off, press the power button again until it turns off (you found the correct universal remote code).

6th Step: When you find it, press stop to save the universal remote code. Also, test for basic functions.


Universal Remote Control Codes For TV

Now here is the universal remote control codes list for TVs of different brands. Check your brand’s Universal TV remote control codes below:


Brands With Single Universal Remote Control Codes

ABEX                                                 0185

ADA                                                    0020

ADVENTURA                                   0174

AIKO                                                 0058

ALLERON                                         0051

AMARK                                             0020

AMTRON                                          0053

ARCHER                                           0020

ASPECT                                             0059

AUDIOVOX                                      0053

BANG & OLUFSEN                         0190

BELCOR                                           0004

BRADFORD                                      0053

BROKWOOD                                   0004

CAPEHART                                      0175

CELERA                                            0214

CELEBRITY                                     0002

CENTRIOS                                       0169

CENTURION                                    0009

CETRONIC                                       0042

CLAIRTONE                                    0014

COLOR VOICE                               0010

CONCIERGE                                    0121

CORNEA                                           0050

CROSLEY                                         0062

CTX                                                    0020

DISNEY                                             0158

DYNASTY                                         0042

ELEKTRA                                         0001

ELITE VIDEO                                  0197

GATEWAY                                       0046

GUESTVISION                                0201

HARVARD                                        0053

IMA                                                    0053

INITIAL                                            1070

INTEGRA                                          0181

INTEQ                                               0121

JANEIL                                              0174

JBL                                                     0062

JCB                                                     0002

KAYPANI                                          0175

KEC                                                   0042

KLH                                                   0214

KURAZAI                                         0001

LUCE                                                 0055

MAGNASONIC                                0051

MEI                                                    0014

MINUTZ                                            0052

MONIVISION                                  0036

MOTEVA                                          0049

MULTITECH                                   0053

MULTIVISION                                0084

MYRON & DAVIS                           0212

NIKEI                                                0042

NTC                                                    0058

OLEVIA                                            1027

ONCOMMAND                                0201

ONKING                                           0042

OPTOMA                                          1028

PILOT                                                0004

PIVA                                                  1075

PRECISION                                      0166

PRICE CLUB                                    0105

PRISM                                               0054

RHAPSODY                                      0014

SAMSUX                                           0009

SAMTRON                                        0105

SANTECA                                         0194

SHOGUN                                           0004

SIMPSON                                          0008

SONIC                                               0014

SPECTRAVISION                            0203

SQUAREVIEW                                 0189

STARLITE                                        0053

STAR SIGHT                                    0064

SUPERSONIC                                   0944

SUPREMACY                                   0174

SUPREME                                         0002

SVA                                                    021

SYNTAX                                            1027

TANDY                                              0020

TECHNICS                                       0054

TELECAPTION                               0117

TEVION                                            0198

TRUTECH                                         1029

VICTOR                                            0060

VIKING                                             0174

VIZIO                                                0081


Brands With Double Universal Remote Control Codes

ACME                                                0050 0008

ADC                                                    0002 0006

ADVENT                                            0176 0922

AXION                                               0177 0921

CHANGHONG                                 0214 0401

CONCERTO                                     0004 0009

CRAIG                                               0053 0042

CROWN                                            0053 0042

CXC                                                   0053 0042

DAYTRON                                        0004 0009

DIMENSIA                                        0031 0000

DUKANE                                           0059 0072

DUMONT                                          0121 0004

ELECTROBAND                              0002 0014

FUJITSU                                            0197 0051

FUTURETEC                                    0053 0042

GIBRALTER                                     0121 0004

GRUNDY                                           0051 0053

HALLMARK                                    0004 0009

INFINITY                                          0062 0288

KENWOOD                                      0004 0009

KLOSS NOVABEAM                      0068 0174

LASONIC                                          0210 0948

LOEWE                                             0211 0062

LUXMAN                                          0004 0009

MOTOROLA                                    0020 0003

NET TV                                             0046 0124

NEXXTECH                                     1052 0167

ONWA                                               0053 0042

OPTONICA                                       0020 0095

PRINCETON GRAPHICS              0020 0099

PROVIEW                                         1025 1026

PULSAR                                            0121 0004

SANSUI                                              0135 0310

SCOTCH                                           0004 0009

SUPRA                                               0004 0082

TERA                                                 0004 0186

TMK                                                  0004 0009

UNIVERSAL                                     0052 0087

VIEWSONIC                                    0046 0072

WESTINGHOUSE                           0143 0114


Brands With Triple Universal Remote Control Codes

ADMIRAL                                         0020 0001 0226

BENQ                                                 0081 0101 0083

CLASSIC                                           0214 0042 0401

COLORTYME                                  0004 0010 0009

DELL                                                 0209 0028 0132

DIAMOND VISION                         0210 0092 0948

ENVISION                                        0004 0009 0074

HISENSE                                           0073 0182 0216

JENSEN                                             0004 0009 0133

KAWASHO                                       0004 0009 0002

LIQUIDVIDEO                                0177 0168 0921

LOGIK                                              0000 0001 0031

MAJESTIC                                        0031 0000 0001

MEDION                                           0213 0158 0198

MEGATRON                                    0009 0004 0059

MONTGOMERY WARD                0000 0031 0001

NIKKO                                              0004 0058 0009

NORCENT                                        0216 0056 0043

ORION                                              0121 0035 0135

POLAROID                                       0182 0173 0133

RUNCO                                              0121 0181 0111

SELECTRON                                    1022 1020 1021

SSS                                                     0053 0004 0042

SUPERSCAN                                     0112 0456 0079

TATUNG                                           0081 0003 0198

TECHWOOD                                    0004 0054 0009

TELERENT                                       0000 0001 0031

VIDTECH                                          0004 0005 0009


Brands With 4 And 5 Universal Remote Control Codes

AIWA                                                 0195 0269 0227 0196

AKAI                                                  0105 0254 0077 0002

APEX                                                 0215 0214 0401 0216

BELL & HOWELL                          0000 0001 0031 0049

CANDLE                                            0004 0174 0009 0008

CONTEC                                           0053 0014 0042 0012

HAIER                                               0081 0217 0216 0157

ILO                                                     0198 1024 1070 1023

LODGENET                                      0000 0001 0031 0202

MARANTZ                                        0004 0062 0181 0009

NAD                                                    0004 0109 0009 0185

OPTIMUS                                         0170 0185 0381 0374

PRIMA                                               1019 0165 0116 0167

SIGNATURE                                     0000 0001 0031 0023

YAMAHA                                          0005 0004 0170 0009

ANAM NATIONAL                         0053 0025 0193 0003 0042

DIGISTAR                                        0116 1019 0118 0165 0167

ELECTROHOME                            0004 0009 0254 0003 0022

FISHER                                             0049 0110 0268 0180 0012

KTV                                                   0053 0042 0021 0014 0070

MIDLAND                                         0031 0121 0054 0107 0015

SONY                                                 0002 0013 0128 0071 0380

SYMPHONIC                                   0053 0227 0456 0189 0024


Brands With 6 To 8 Universal Remote Control Codes

BROKSONIC                                    0147 0250 0310 0257 0135 0394

FUNAI                                                0051 0053 0227 0189 0042 0456

SOUNDESIGN                                  0009 0008 0004 0051 0053 0042

MTC                                                   0009 0005 0105 0014 0004 0109

PHILIPS-MAGNAVOX                  0062 0207 0204 0288 0226 0183

PORTLAND                                      0004 0009 0058 0138 0005 0130

PROSCAN                                         0000 0015 0162 0163 0031 0107

PROTON                                           0004 0175 0009 0186 0192 0093

SAMPO                                              0124 0004 0009 0012 0046 0175

AOC                                                   0004 0005 0175 0014 0009 0156 0187

DURABRAND                                   0135 0157 0153 0189 0254 0458 0217

PIONEER                                          0185 0181 0004 0090 0009 0072 0179

SCOTT                                               0004 0009 0053 0035 0024 0051 0042

WHITE WESTINGHOUSE            0100 0130 0138 0136 0227 0279 0080

MGA                                                  0012 0005 0022 0180 0004 0009 0141 0051

NEC                                                    0181 0004 0005 0095 0010 0009 0003 0141

SANYO                                              0049 0004 0110 0108 0268 0097 0012 0180


Brands With More Than 8 Universal Remote Control Codes

CITIZEN                                           0004 0001 0053 0058 0009 0109 0189 0105 0008 0135 0042

CURTIS MATHES                           0000 0004 0031 0130 0105 0358 0015 0109 0009 0049 0001

DAEWOO                                         0130 0100 0444 0009 0005 0039 0010 0043 0252 0279 0042 0138 0080 0126 0058 0017 0004 0140 0018 0127 0019

EMERSON                                        0030 0009 0032 0004 0049 0227 0044 0266 0135 0053 0147 0250 0039 0130 0252 0265 0254 0257 0233 0041 0456 0040 0051 0021 0189 0042 0179 0045 0325 0025 0310 0027 0023 0034 0035 0024 0037

GE                                                      0022 0004 0052 0031 0009 0044 0107 0164 0003 0054 0125 0000 0015 0087 0342

GOLDSTAR                                      0004 0012 0227 0338 0009 0080 0005 0057 0156

HITACHI                                          0088 0059 0060 0072 0142 0001 0004 0009 0091 0012 0061 0141 0137 0139 0227 0179

INSIGNIA                                         0103 0189 0135 0133 0217 0167 0116 0456 0029

JC PENNEY                                      0054 0004 0000 0031 0105 0015 0107 0012 0005 0009 0109 0022 0087 0052 0008 0030

JVC                                                    0060 0026 0069 0247 0197 0067 0923 0141 0012 0065

KONKA                                             0053 0011 0016 0047 0413 0066 0103 0029 0412

LG                                                      0004 0050 0005 0227 0009 0080 0338 0156 0012 0057

LXI                                                     0000 0009 0004 0031 0049 0062 0109 0015 0227 0107

MAGNAVOX                                    0456 0004 0183 0062 0009 0226 0141 0288 0068 0075 0008

MEMOREX                                      0004 0009 0049 0051 0031 0000 0310 0135 0001 0268


Brands With More Than 8 Universal Remote Control Codes: Continued

MITSUBISHI                                    0151 0004 0051 0254 0005 0009 0141 0180 0022

PANASONIC                                     0171 0170 0054 0950 0381 0062 0148 0003 0070 0374 0437

PHILCO                                            0141 0004 0003 0068 0009 0062 0005 0075 0183 0008

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PHILIPS                                            0062 0204 0068 0207 0200 0075 0205 0206 0004 0288 0189 0008 0183 0456 0086 0003 0199 0208 0087 0184 0141

QUASAR                                           0062 0170 0374 0148 0054 0171 0070 0381 0003

RADIO SHACK                               0031 0048 0049 0004 0053 0009 0342 0042 0000 0041 0012 0170 0095 0227

RCA                                                    0031 0004 0054 0094 0048 0179 0100 0102 0107 0005 0342 0009 0163 0003 0000 0162 0015 0096 0187 0022 0113 0191 0125 0188 0129

REALISTIC                                      0000 0053 0031 0049 0004 0048 0041 0227 0012 0009 0042 0170 0095

SAMSUNG                                        0105 0077 0076 0109 0007 0009 0005 0085 0004 0172 0012 0015 0942 0358 0080 0106 0104

SEARS                                               0031 0062 0051 0107 0456 0105 0049 0012 0079 0109 0189 0004 0110 0009 0000 0394 0112 0015 0180

SHARP                                               0079 0020 0006 0095 0004 0063 0009 0226  0123 01220266

SYLVANIA                                        0004 0009 0062 0135 0075 0008 0456 0183 0068 0227 0161 0189 0141

TEKNIKA                                         0000 0004 0174 0031 0008 0051 0012 0009 0005 0053 0109 0001 0105 0170 0042 0058

TOSHIBA                                          0159 0178 0170 0120 0181 0260 0095 0394 0117 0358 0049 0012 0095 0105 0924 0109 0141

WARDS                                             0000 0005 0068 0031 0009 0087 0062 0008 0004 0075  0095 0001 0119 0024 0052 0051

ZENITH                                             0121 0252 0009 0247 0050 0310 0091 0288 0358 0004 0138 0131 0111 0135 0038 0134 0001 0153 0039 0064 0245 0226 0227 0078 0059 0266 0058 0338 0023


Universal TV Remote Control Codes For Cable Box

Below are the cable box codes for universal remote. Look for your code from this universal tv remote code list and apply accordingly:


Single Cable Box Universal Remote Control Codes

AMERICAST                                    0527

AT&T                                                 0511

BELL SOUTH                                  0527

CABLETENNA                                 0468

CABLEVIEW                                    0468

CABLEVISION                                0506

CENTURY                                         0471

CITIZEN                                           0471

COGECO                                          0511

COMCAST                                        0511

CONTEC                                           0476


EASTERN                                          0477

EVERQUEST                                    0474

GARRARD                                        0471

GC ELECTRONICS                        0469

GE                                                      0549

HITACHI                                          0463

ILLICO                                              0506

JASCO                                               0471

MAGNAVOX                                    0485

MEMOREX                                      0486

MOVIE TIME                                  0487

NSC                                                    0487

PACE                                                 0532

PULSAR                                            0486

REALISTIC                                      0469

REGAL                                              0482

REGENCY                                        0477

REMBRANDT                                  0463

ROGERS                                           0506

RUNCO                                              0486

SHAW                                                0511

SIGNAL                                             0474

SIGNATURE                                     0463

SL MARX                                          0474

SPRUCER                                          0460

STANDARD                                      0499

STARGATE                                      0474

STAR SIGHT                                    0507

STAR TRAK                                     0516

TANDY                                              0500

TELEVIEW                                       0474

TEXSCAN                                         0499

TIME WARNER                               0506

TOSHIBA                                          0486

TV86                                                   0487

UNITED CABLE                              0461

VIDEOWAY                                     0504

VIDEO TECH                                   0550

VIDEOTRON                                    0506

ZENITH NETWORK                      0527


Double And Triple Cable Box Universal Remote Control Codes

ADELPHIA                                       0512 0511

ALLEGRO                                        0524 0525

ANTRONIX                                      0468 0469

COLOR VOICE                               0472 0473

COMTRONICS                                0474 0475

GEMINI                                            0536 0479

OAK                                                   0476 0489

PANASONIC                                     0460 0508

PARAGON                                        0486 0488

PHILIPS-MAGNAVOX                  0505 0534

SAMSUNG                                        0474 0494

STARCOM                                        0461 0518

RADIO SHACK                               0505 0534 0525

RCA                                                    0460 0471 0507

UNIKA                                               0468 0469 0471


More Than 3 Cable Box Universal Remote Control Codes

ARCHER                                           0468 0471 0469 0470

HAMLIN                                           0461 0480 0481 0482

PIONEER                                          0478 0493 0506 0494

TOCOM                                            0464 0513 0501 0520

VIEWSTAR                                       0475 0485 0487 0500

ABC                                                    0461 0465 0463 0466 0464

PHILIPS                                            0471 0490 0479 0492 0485 0491

UNIVERSAL                                     0468 0471 0469 0524 0470 0502

SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA                 0498 0535 0497 0466 0506 0512 0496

ZENITH                                             0503 0486 0525 0522 0471 0521 0523

JERROLD                                         0509 0518 0461 0464 0465 0526 0463 0520

GENERAL INSTRUMENT (GI)    0509 0511 0461 0518 0530 0465 0513 0464 0531

MOTOROLA                                    0509 0518 0465 0513 0530 0511 0531 0463 0464


Frequently Asked Questions

1.    How Do I Get Universal Remotes To Work On My TV?

Press both the tv button and the power button at the same time. When the red light turns on, point it to tv and press the power button. If it turns off/on, the remote is programmed. Otherwise, try again till it responds.

2.    Where Can I Find Set Top Box Universal Remote Control Codes?

Set-top boxes have no universal remote control codes written anywhere. For code search, you have to do it manually. Above are mentioned universal remote codes for tv of all brands.

3.    What Are The Universal Remote Codes For All Devices?

Universal remote control codes for all devices are given above. You can find your device brand from that remote code list.

4.    How Does Universal Remote Work?

Universal remotes usually work on infrared technology. A beam of IR emitted from the end carrying commands. When the receiver gets that beam, it executes the command. You first need to program that device with remote codes.

5.    Does A Universal Control Work On All TVs?

Yes, after applying universal tv remote codes, a universal control can work on any tv.

6.    How Do I Program A Universal Remote To A TV Without Codes?

To program your universal control without remote codes, you can use the manual method given above. You will not need to enter remote codes for tv. Moreover, you can check this detailed article on how to program a universal remote control without using remote codes?

7.    What Are The Pros And Cons Of Universal Control?


  • The all-in-one facility is always handy. It reduces the hefty amount of controllers.
  • It brings simplicity and is easy to use.
  • With the activation of codes for universal remote control, these can work on multiple devices.


  • You got one tool for various devices. If it broke, there is no alternative until you repair the current or buy a new one.
  • Some devices require specific functions. As these are for general usage, you cannot perform those specific functions.


8.    How Can You Find Your 4 Digit Code On Your TV?

For older TV code, search its backside. You will find the sticker there with the code.

For smart TV, go to settings, scroll down to TV code to find it.

9.    Can I Use A Samsung Remote For An LG TV?

It is only usable if the Samsung remote is universal. Otherwise, the original Samsung control won’t work on the original LG TV. However, if it is universal, you can view the universal remote control codes list from above to program it for LG tv.

10.  Do Universal Remotes Work Even On Old Stereo Receivers?

It depends on how old it is. If it is not so old and can detect control signals, then all set. Just program with universal remote control codes to play it accordingly.

If it is too old to work with a controller, then it is a hopeless case. You need to operate it manually.

11.  How Do I Use GE Universal Remotes?

You can program GE universal remotes for any device. Follow the procedure mentioned above. Apply GE cl5 universal remote control codes to operate the device. You are ready to go.


Final Words

Programming a universal remote control for any device is not a hard task. We have provided you codes for universal remote control to operate those devices. Program them accordingly and control them with all ease.


So basically, this site will provide information on:

If there are codes you are yet to see on this site, you can use our contact us page to reach out. We will research and find the codes for you.