Cox Remote Not Working [Complete Guide]

Stream videos, download apps, and watch cable through Cox’s set top box, which is used with the television. In rare cases, the remote can stop working completely, as it does with other TV devices. Here’s what you need to do today to troubleshoot a Cox Remote Not Working.

You have to pair the Cox remote with your TV first before you can use it. You should also make sure that the batteries are inserted correctly, that you have line of sight to the TV and that you are within range of the device. Perhaps the remote is defective.

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Each step of these troubleshooting steps will be described in this article. Moreover, we describe what to do if you have followed all of the troubleshooting steps but your remote still doesn’t work.

Cox Remote Not Working

Cox Remote Not Working
If you press a button, a red light flashes at the top of the Cox remote. In the event of no light, this suggests a flat battery or an issue with the remote. Following the replacement of the battery, here is what you need to do next.

Press the TV button first on your Cox remote to operate the TV. You should try restarting the Cox device and checking that the remote is in line of sight with your TV and Cox device if you have already tried that. Otherwise, the remote needs to be replaced.

You can follow these steps to troubleshoot your Cox Remote Not Working:

1. Install the batteries correctly and make sure they’re new

Even though you probably already did this, you should cross it off your list first because your remote will not work without batteries that are fully charged. Your remote’s batteries should be seated the right way around when you open the back cover.

To ensure that the batteries have been completely drained, try using a new pair of batteries. The following steps can be followed if this step does not fix your issue. If your Cox remote no longer works, you should try the following steps and see if they solve your issue.

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2. Be sure your remote is paired with your TV and receiver as well as your Cox set-top box

In order to use your Cox remote, your set-top box – also known as a Cox device – must be paired with it initially. You also need to connect it to your TV, as well as any home theater receiver you use. Cox has created an official video that explains how your remote can be connected to any of these devices:

3. Restart your Cox set top box and TV

You may have an issue with the code of your Cox set-top box or TV because it has an internal computer. By closing and reopening them, the device restarts both completely. Your Cox device will need to be unplugged from the power cord at the back. Reconnect the cable when you’re done.

After connecting the computer, press the power button if it does not start. Press power on the TV if it does not turn on. Connect it back to the wall and wait for it to start working after you unplug or switch it off. If your TV goes straight to standby mode after you re-plug it, you can turn it on by pressing the power button.

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4. Ensure you have line of sight and are range of the TV and Cox device

Wireless technology allows Cox remotes to work on any device no matter where they are, so users don’t need to have direct line of sight in order to operate them. There are buttons, however, that are operated via infrared (IR) signals. If you press the buttons on an infrared remote, you must point it at the Cox device or television.

The distance between the TV or Cox device and you must also be around 10 feet (3 meters). The signal can be obstructed if there is anything between the TV and your Cox set-top box. Remove any items from the front of both devices.

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5. Order a replacement remote

The electrical components of your remote may be malfunctioning if you’ve tried all of the above steps. According to the official Cox website, you must buy a whole new remote. Contacting Cox at the bottom of the page will enable you to order a new one.

Cox Remote Not Pairing

Cox Remote Not WorkingA Cox remote must be paired with Cox devices, TVs, and receivers for your home theatre system in order to work properly. If you’re having difficulties pairing, here’s what you should do.

The official website for your TV or receiver will provide you with the unique code for your device. Cox set top boxes automatically generate a pairing code when they are put into pairing mode. You can still connect it to the TV if you do not have the code.

Step 2 above explains how it is paired exactly. Connect the remote to your TV, receiver, and set-top box. In the article near the top are links to videos with instructions on how to do that as well as the instructions below the video if you don’t have a code for your TV.

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Cox Remote Won’t Turn On/Off TV

Cox Remote Not WorkingOnce your set top box is set up, your Cox remote should work on the TV and the set top box. For those who have yet to set it up or who are having problems turning on or off their television, here is what you need to do.

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Your Cox remote must be set to the TV channel before you can press the power button. The Cox set top box will turn off if the TV button is not pressed first. You may need to pair the remote with your TV if it doesn’t work after that.

Infrared signals are also used to turn on the TV. This means it must have a clear line of sight and be within 10 feet (3 meters) of the television. The steps to turn on your TV with your Cox remote have been detailed above for those who have trouble using it.

The steps you’ve already accomplished can be skipped. You will have to go through each one until you are able to use your Cox remote to turn on or off your TV.

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There are many reasons why the Cox Remote Not Working, including the batteries being drained or not installed correctly, the Cox remote being not paired with the TV, or the Cox set top box not being connected. It may also be that there is no line of sight between the front of the remote and the infrared sensor on the front of the device.

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