Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times [Fixed]

No Samsung TV owner wants to deal with the Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times issue. A minority of Samsung’s smart TV models suffer from a common problem, despite their position as one of the best brands.

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The TV does not turn on itself, but instead, Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times before a very faint clicking noise is heard. You’re not the only one who has experienced this.

Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times
Having the Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times does not tell us what’s wrong at all. It also doesn’t indicate what we can do about the problem, which is even more important.

Does this red light blinking issue have a cause, and is it resolvable without too much effort? Let’s examine the problem more closely.

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Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times when the red light is on

Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 timesIt’s very likely that you have a problem with the power board of your Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times when you try to turn it on. Your backlight LEDs may be malfunctioning.

You might be able to determine the problem with other brands by working out a sort of code. It doesn’t indicate the real problem with a Samsung TV, however.

At some level, the connection seems to be unreliable, but we’re unsure of what the problem is. Although that’s not a definite conclusion, power is probably involved. Usually, these problems are easily narrowed down to the power supply or the mainboard.

You can do something to try and solve the problem as soon as possible before you continue looking at the problem. We hope you’ll be able to fix your issue with this, and we recommend giving it a shot to see if it helps.

It may be necessary to reset your television first if the problem persists. Take out the TV power cord for at least fifteen minutes to accomplish this. Plug the TV back in while pressing the power button.

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It may be enough to cut the power to your television to solve the problem. If this does not help, try these other solutions.

Possible Fix 1

  1. Start by turning off your TV and unplugging the cable from the wall.
  2. Before you can continue, we need to wait a few moments. We left it plugged in for only 15 minutes in the previous attempt. Please leave it plugged in for several hours this time.
  3. After that, plug your TV back in while you continue to hold the power button in for a few minutes. I hope this will fix the problem.

It could or may not work, but here is the simple fix for the problem. Trying another method will also help you turn your television back on if it doesn’t work.

Possible Fix 2

Despite the modest likelihood of this method working, it’s quite quick to try, so it’s worth a shot.

  1. You can lower the volume on your television by holding down both the minus volume (-) and menu button at the same time.
  2. Now, turn on your television normally by pressing the power button.
  3. The blue light should come on instead of the red light, if the method is successful. You will see a picture on your display after a short period of time.

However, there is still value in trying this method even though it is less likely to be effective. It is also easy to follow and free. It is likely that your TV has a hardware problem if this does not solve your problem.

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Possible other causes

Although these solutions may fix your Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times issue, there is a very good chance that there is a deeper underlying problem.

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Power board – Your television’s power board is the most likely culprit in this whole situation. TVs that don’t turn on are often the result of this problem. Your TV’s capacitors may be the cause of the problem, as they are responsible for storing and releasing electrical power. You’ll need to have your TV repaired, and there is no easy way to fix this.

LED’s – It is also possible that the LEDs are having a problem. The problem is the second most common reason why your TV won’t turn on, after a bad capacitor. A technician can easily fix this problem if this is the case.


 Last but not least, I think you could have a problem with your HDMI cables, or rather, the type of TV you have attached to your HDMI cables. The phenomenon is known as a glitch with older televisions, especially cheaper models. Connecting your television to any HDMI-enabled device will require you to disconnect those devices. The HDMI port(s) on your TV may be to blame for the issue. Try turning your TV back on.

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It is important to realize that this is a relatively common problem with some Samsung TVs, so you’re not the only one with this problem. Sometimes a simple fix can resolve your Samsung TV Red Light Blinking 5 times issue quite quickly. Make sure the TV has been turned off first.

However, there’s a more likely cause for your problem with the mainboard of your television. Thus, either you have to have the TV repaired by a technician or you will have to use a lot of time doing it yourself.

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