Hisense TV Blinking Codes – The Ultimate Guide [2022]

Hisense TV error codes are often indicated by blinking lights that indicate minor or major problems with the television. You can diagnose the problem and come up with a solution faster if you know what these Hisense TV blinking codes indicate. Here’s a guide to all the Hisense TV blinking codes, their significance, and what to do when you encounter them.

Among the TVs affected by this issue are Hisense LED and LCD TVs (including Hisense Vidaa and Android smart TVs) as well as Roku TVs. If your Hisense TV blinks a lot, you’ll need to pay attention to how many times it does so. By turning off your TV and trying to turn it back on again, make sure to check and count carefully two times.

After that has been said, let’s get right into what these Hisense TV blinking codes are and what they mean.


The blinking codes on Hisense TV are confusing.

I have listed below a list of Hisense TV blinking codes, what they mean and how to fix them in 2022.


The white light blinking codes on the Hisense TV.

The white light on your Hisense TV blinks once, pauses for a second, then keeps blinking repeatedly with no picture, then the backlights are bad. Basically, it is likely that the LED strips need to be replaced, or that the LED controller has failed.

If you point a flashlight at the TV screen, you can determine if the backlight is defective. Your TV will likely display dull images if your backlight is defective when you point the touch, provided it is turned on properly.


Fix the White blinking light codes problem on Hisense TV in the following way:

It is recommended that you replace the defective backlight on the TV in order for it to work again.


There are several codes associated with the Hisense TV red light blinking.

If the Hisense red power light flashes and the power button doesn’t work, the power board might be faulty.


There are a few things you can do to fix this:

You should try to power cycle the TV first and here’s how to do that:

  • Make sure your TV is unplugged from the power outlet.
  • Allow it to sit unplugged for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • For thirty seconds, press the power button on your TV.
  • Turn on the TV by plugging it back into the power source.


Good if that fixes the problem, if not, replace the power board or replace faulty capacitors.

You may see the following signs if a capacitor is faulty:

  • There is a bulge at the top of the capacitor.
  • There is a leak in the capacitor.
  • There is a corrosive layer on one or both legs of the capacitor.
  • The capacitor’s bottom has been pushed out.


NOTE: In some cases, the capacitor may be faulty without any visible signs as to what is wrong with it. Use a multimeter to determine the voltage and compare it to the expected/labeled voltage of the capacitors. Even if there is no visual indication, if the multimeter shows a wrong voltage reading, it is faulty.

Capacitors should be replaced with ones that match their ratings (Voltage, Temperature, and Micro farads). In cases where you cannot get the exact values for the 3 ratings, you can get one with a higher voltage and temperature, but not a lower one. There is also the possibility of micro farads being slightly higher, but they cannot be lower.

The whole power supply board of the TV should be replaced if there are no faulty capacitors on the board.



The red light on the Hisense TV blinks twice in rapid succession.

A bad LED backlight strip or a faulty backlight inverter board will cause your Hisense TV’s red light to blink twice. There is no need to worry about this issue as it is quite common. It’s just a matter of replacing the strips, that’s all.

It is also possible for the red light on Hisense TV to flash twice if the power supply board is bad.


Identify the problem and fix it:

Install a new backlight inverter board or replace the LED strips in the LED backlight. There is a 9 out of 10 chance that this will resolve the issue in 9 out of 10 cases. Replacing blown or bulging capacitors with new capacitors of similar charge should solve the problem if that doesn’t work.

As a general rule, you should be very careful when you are doing this since the screen is very delicate. 


There are three blinks of the red light on the Hisense TV when it is on.

Excess voltage or current from power surges can cause a Hisense TV’s LED rail to shut down, causing the red light to blink three times. It is possible that some lamps in the panel have been damaged in such a case. These Hisense TV blinking codes indicate that the hardware might be damaged by excessive current or voltage.


Identify the problem and fix it:

Check the lamps in the panel of the TV by opening it up and testing them. A 3V power source (2 AA batteries) can be used to test each lamp one at a time with a 3V power source. To protect yourself from additional damage, you should replace any faulty ones as soon as possible. If any lamps are faulty, you will have to spend more time testing them and replacing them.

It’s cheaper to replace individual LEDs, but this could indicate a bad batch, so the problem may recur.

This is a better solution because it is not only easier but also more economical to replace the entire LED strip.

After that, let’s take a look at the next in the list of Hisense TV blinking codes that you might see.



A red light blinks six times in a row on the Hisense TV when it is on.

There is a possibility that you have a busted bulb on your Hisense TV if the red light blinks six times in a row. The problem is that one or more of the LEDs on the strips inside the lightbox behind the panel are burned out, in essence. Even one bad LED in the backlight system can trigger the shutdown mechanism of the system.

It is possible that sometimes the TV will come on for a brief period of time before going black immediately after it comes on. It is also possible to see a blue flashing light on your Hisense TV followed by 6 red flashes before the screen goes black.


Identify the problem and fix it:

You need to replace the bad bulbs if your Hisense TV blinks red light six times. Additionally, you can replace all the strips at once, which is relatively easier than replacing them individually.

The IR sensors on the panel may have to be swapped out if that doesn’t work.



If the TV flashes blue light, goes off, then flashes red light six times, return it if it’s still under warranty. In this case, you might end up spending too much on fixing the TV and you would be better off replacing it instead of spending too much on repairs.

I should mention by the way that replacing the main board, the power board, and/or the T con board will not solve this problem.

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