Are you interested in finding out what is the best DNS for PS4? Are you experiencing problems with your current PS4 DNS server? You can find all the details you need regarding the best DNS for PS4 in this article. Furthermore, the best DNS servers for PS4 can also be helpful in gaming and can provide smooth stability during gaming.

Table of Contents
Why is DNS important?
“Domain Name System” stands for the system that gives names to files. An IP address is associated with its hostname (referred to as a domain) on a server. An IP address and domain name are resolved with help of the Domain Name System. This tool helps you translate web addresses (such as to their IP addresses (such as

How Does Router DNS Work?
Many routers out there in the market set themselves as your DNS server. If you request a new website URL (domain), your router’s DNS server asks your internet service provider’s DNS for the IP address and completes the request. By remembering your IP address, your router will be able to respond to your request more rapidly in the future. In this way, Router DNS helps to establish a faster Internet connection, or I should say, a better internet connection.

Which is the best method for setting up DNS Server on the PS4?
In order to set up best DNS server on PS4 you must first turn on your PS4 and then go to the “Settings” menu. Select “Network” from the “Settings” menu. You will now find a number of options under the network menu, and you need to select “Set Up Internet Connection”. Your PS4 can connect to the internet either through LAN or WIFI, depending on how it connects to the internet. There are however best and fastest DNS servers for PS4 that are reliable and will stop internet lagging.
Five of the best DNS for PS4
While there are many DNS options available on the internet, I am going to tell you the five best DNS for PS4 so that you don’t have to hassle. Given below, the first one represents the provider, the second represents the primary DNS, and the third represents the secondary DNS. Here is the list of best DNS servers for PS4:

- SafeDNS – –
- Google – –
- Alternate DNS – –
- Cloudflare DNS – –
- SmartViper – –
Do you know how to check DNS speed?
Checking DNS speed usually involves two methods. It is possible to test each and every DNS server listed above by using the Manual Test method. The next method, which is the Automatic Test, is recommended to eliminate this headache for you.
What should I consider when choosing the best DNS server for PS4?
What are the steps to Reset DNS?
FAQ – Best DNS Servers For PS4
Which DNS server works best for gaming on PS4?
How do primary and secondary DNS work?
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