How To Turn On Roku TV Without Using Remote Control [2022]

You can still turn the Roku TV on and off if you lose your Roku remote or if it doesn’t work. Roku TVs often have power buttons hidden in inconspicuous places, such as the bottom, so it is difficult for users to locate them. In spite of this, there is a guide below that will walk you through how to turn on Roku TV without using a remote.

As part of this article, we will also explain how you can turn your Roku TV on and off without having to use a remote control.


You can find all the information you need below about how to turn on Roku TV without using a remote control:

Roku TV allows you to turn it on without a remote by pressing a physical power button on the front panel, the back panel, or the bottom.

As well as being able to turn your Roku TV on and off directly from your smartphone. However, you can also use the Roku app to do that. However, we have compiled a table that will help you locate the power button on your Roku player with the help of the table below.


Roku TV can be turned on by pressing the power button on your remote:

It couldn’t be easier to turn on or off your Roku TV without a remote control. You may have found this article because you couldn’t find the original.

The power buttons on TVs (particularly Roku TVs) are hidden due to the design trend. In addition, several manufacturers produce Roku TVs, making this a challenging undertaking.

In some cases, the power button is hidden behind a flap, on the back, or on the side of the TV.

Our team scoured all major Roku TV manuals to find out where the power button is located in order to simplify things for you.

Roku TV only goes into low power standby mode when powered off using the physical button or remote. In addition, it does not completely turn off the power of the device. It is essential that you unplug the power cable from your TCL Roku TV in order to completely power it off.


A Guide to Roku TV Panel Designs: 7 Types

Your specific model of TV will determine what you need to do in order to power off the TV based on the design of the panel. In the case of Roku TVs, there are seven different types of panel designs from which to choose. Moreover, we’ll explain how to turn your Roku TV on and off without using a remote for each of these different panel designs.

  1. Short-pressing Roku TV’s button will turn it on and long-pressing it will turn it off.

  2. Turning on the TV requires a long press on the middle button, and turning it off requires a short press.

  3. You can toggle between standby and power on by pressing the middle button on the gamepad-style joystick.

  4. It is possible to turn on and off the Roku TV by pressing four buttons at the same time.

  5. Five buttons (with mute): Turn on/off the TV with a short press (order varies from model to model).

  6. The TV can be turned on or off with a short press of five buttons (models differ in their placement).

  7. The TV is turned on and off by one button. However, it is turned off by the other button (in accordance with the model).


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In this chart, you can see where the Roku TV’s power buttons are located


There is usually a power button located at the bottom of a TCL Roku TV which can be found in most cases. As a result of reading dozens of manuals, we have made the following observations:

There is usually a power button hidden behind a white flap on the bottom of TCL Roku TVs. Additionally, the TCL Roku TV should be able to be powered on without a remote control when you lift or lay it down flat on a table.



The layout of Hisense’s buttons has changed over the course of several iterations. Moreover, there is therefore a possibility that it could be located on the bottom of the TV. In addition, it can also be located on the left and right sides of the back.



Generally, on Sanyo Roku TVs, the buttons as well as the other ports are located on the back of the TV. Unexpectedly, I was able to find it pretty easily.



There is a lot of interest in this one. It turns out that the Roku TVs made by JVC do not have any physical power buttons on them. In the event you lose your JVC Roku TV remote control, there is no need to worry, and you can move on.



There is a lot of similarity between the Philips Roku TV design and the Sanyo TV. On the back of the television, the power button is clearly visible.



When facing the TV screen, the power button is on the bottom left side of the Westinghouse Roku TV.



Located on the bottom of the TV is where you will find the power button for the Element Roku TV, hidden behind a notch in the middle.



There is a power button located under the flap on the right side of the TV at the bottom of the right side when facing the TV.



On the bottom of RCA Roku TVs, under the flap, there is a power button that is located in the center of the TV.



A power button is located behind the TV to the left of the TV’s center. However, it is similar to the power button on an Apple TV.



In addition to the power buttons on the back of the Magnavox Roku TV. You will also find a number of other inputs on the TV as well. Moreover, it is very likely that, once you know what it is, you will be able to identify it very quickly once you have it identified.



If you are facing the TV from the front, the power button is on the back, towards the right.


Roku TV can be turned on and off using the Roku app:

Roku TVs can be turned off with the Roku smartphone app instead of pressing the physical power button. Your TV can be controlled using both IR and WiFi, regardless of whether your phone has an IR sensor. We also discussed this method of syncing your Roku remote without pairing it.

Roku’s app can be downloaded by both iOS users and Android users for their devices as well. This is how you can do it:

  1. Roku’s official app can be downloaded from the App Store or Play Store.

  2. When you are logged in, you will be able to find Roku devices nearby once you have logged in.

  3. To turn on or off your Roku TV, tap the power button located in the top right corner of the app.

Third-party apps should not be used to control your Roku TV.


Would you be interested in knowing more about how to turn on a Roku TV without using a remote control? Roku TV Remote Replacement

You can always use the Roku app if your Roku TV remote is lost or doesn’t work properly. In addition, if it drains your phone’s battery, you may want to do something else with it.

Therefore, the best thing that you can do to solve this problem is to buy a replacement remote control for your TV. Moreover, our recommendation is to use the official Roku voice remote. It makes it much easier to navigate media on your Roku.


How To Turn On Roku TV Without A Remote: Conclusion

No matter if you want to impress your friends with some Jedi-like skills when it comes to Roku, this article is for you. However, we hope you learned how to turn on Roku TV without a remote if you want to always be able to shut down your TV if you lose the remote.

How our solutions worked to turn on Roku TV without remote on your Roku and if it has a different button layout. In addition, please refer to our other posts for more information related to Roku TV.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can Roku TVs be powered by pressing a button?

It is common for Roku TVs to come with physical power buttons. These are located on the bottom, at the back, or on the sides of the TV.


If I don’t have a power button on my remote, how can I turn on my Roku box?

Using the Roku app on your phone, you can turn on your Roku without using your remote. Using your phone with your Roku device should be possible if it’s connected to Wi-Fi.


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