LG TV Blue Tint Screen Issue? Easy Method To Fix It

You may notice that your LG TV has a blue tint – the backlight is on and “working”, but it has a blue tint! When this happens on a brand new TV, it can be extremely frustrating. Therefore, this guide will provide detailed instructions on how to fix LG TV blue tint screen issues. 

There are several proven ways to fix the LG TV blue tint screen – usually it is a temporary problem.

I am extremely confident that one of these solutions will work for you if you try them all.


What is LG TV Blue Tint Screen Issue?


You need to reset your LG TV if it has a blue tint screen and you want to get rid of it. While the TV is disconnected, make sure you hold down the power button for thirty seconds while it is unplugged. Your LG TV should work after sixty seconds if you plug it back in.

Usually, power cycling a LG TV will fix the blue tint screen issue you’re experiencing nine out of ten times.

Sometimes, the above solution doesn’t fix the LG TV blue tint screen, and that’s usually a hardware problem.

Prior to troubleshooting the LG TV’s hardware, you should try several other practical and straightforward troubleshooting steps. 


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Methods To Fix LG TV Blue Tint Screen Issue.


It is necessary to disconnect the LG TV from the wall.


The most common way to remove the blue tint on your LG TV is to power cycle it (unplug it from the wall socket).

After waiting sixty seconds, plug it back in after at least a minute.

When your LG TV is turned off, hold the power button for a period of close to thirty seconds. Keep your TV’s power button, not its remote, in your hand!

Performing a soft reset with the remote will not affect the TV in the same way as removing residual power.

As soon as you plug the TV back in after sixty seconds, it will automatically power back on.

It should work for about 90% of LG TV blue tint issues, but the remaining 10% may pose a bit of a challenge. Try the following fixes if you are still experiencing a blue tint on your LG TV.


Make sure that all HDMI connections on your LG TV are working properly.


Trying to power cycle your LG TV won’t fix LG TV Blue Tint, so check your HDMI connections next.

Make sure the HDMI connections on anything connected to your TV are snug! It means unplugging them and then replugging them.

As a result of the increasing popularity of HDMI streaming devices like Roku and Firestick, LG TV owners are reporting a blue tint.


There is also a possibility that the blue tint issue may be due to a bad HDMI connection.


There are a few reasons for which HDMI connections can go wrong.


  1. A technical problem appears to be occurring with the HDMI cable itself.
  2. The HDMI port seems to be having a problem at the moment.
  3. HDMI connection is loose and it is necessary for it to be tightened.


Double-check that you’re on the right input channel if you confirm the connection is secure.


In order for you to accomplish this, you will need to check the back of your TV for the HDMI port. The HDMI port number should be indicated on your TV by a label or writing.

This guidance aims to lead you through the process of ensuring your screen is working properly.

I hope this solves the flickering problem you are experiencing on your LG TV! If this does not work, you can try several additional steps to fix the blue tint on LG TV.


LG TV OS needs to be updated in order to get rid of the blue tint issue on the TV.


If your LG TV is experiencing issues or if your software isn’t up-to-date, look for any new LG TV OS updates.

To update the firmware on your TV, simply find the latest version. Sometimes, these updates are missed, but they usually occur automatically.


Follow the directions outlined beneath in order to check for automatic updates on your LG TV.


  1. On your remote control, make sure you click on the Home/Start button.
  2. It will be required for you to click on the Settings button.
  3. To ensure that you obtain optimally precise results, select the All Settings option.
  4. The option that you can choose is General from the list.
  5. You must be sure that you go all the way to the About this TV section.
  6. Make sure Automatic updates is checked, and you can also check for updates there if you want.

If automatic updates aren’t occurring, you can update the LG TV software manually.

It is possible for you to manually update the software on your LG TV by following these steps in order to do so.

  1. Please refer to the relevant Product Support Page for more information.
    1. Take a look at the LG Support Home Page for additional information.
    2. All you have to do is type in the model number of your TV and then choose it from the list.
  2. The file can be downloaded here and unzipped (right click, Extract All).
  3. A USB drive should be used to store the file.
    1. To install the LG DTV, make sure you prepare a folder on the USB drive called “LG_DTV”.
    2. You will need to unzip the file and put it in this folder (the EPK file type should be used).
  4. The USB cable must be inserted into the back of your TV.
    1. The directions provided on the screen will lead you through the process.

Don’t forget to keep your LG TV up-to-date with the latest software by updating it regularly.


You can fix the blue tint screen issue by factory reset your LG TV.


You should do a full factory reset of your LG TV if updating the operating system has not resolved the blue tint issue on your TV.

Start by clicking the Gear icon on your remote control after the TV turns on.

Then, if you would like, you can navigate to All Settings (Advanced Settings) > General > Reset to Initial Settings in order to do so. In order to get to the initial setup screen, you will need to turn your TV off and then on again.

You’ll basically get your LG TV back to the original state it was in when you originally bought it. As a result, all account settings and installed apps will be removed!


Fix Blue Tint Issue by factory resetting LG TV without remote.


Factory reset of your LG TV will fix the blue tint even if you are unable to use the remote.

It is imperative that you locate the power button on your TV in order to do this. Based on which model is being used, it may be on the right hand side, left hand side, or bottom.

It is highly advised that you hold down the power button for about ten seconds upon turning on the TV. To revert to initial settings, navigate to Menu > All Settings > General > Reset to Initial Settings using the joystick panel on the TV.

In case you cannot find these buttons on your TV, or if it is confined to a small space, there are other options.

As a first step, you should connect a USB keyboard directly to the back of your LG TV.

As a result, you will be able to navigate and reset your TV using the keyboard.


Additionally, LG ThinQ is available for download on smartphones if you have an LG Smart TV.


Connect your smart phone to the app to operate it as a remote for your TV!

You can also use a universal remote you have hanging around and enter the LG code on it.

Your LG TV should have fully resolved its blue tint issues by now, but if you’re still seeing blue, your LED backlight strips are most likely to blame.


Fixing LG TV blue tint by replacing LG LED backlight strips.


The backlights of televisions are illuminated by strips of LED lights that can be found in the strips of LED lights. An individual LED on the strip has a yellow film covering that modulates its color/tint.

This yellow film covering can crack, break, or deteriorate, resulting in a blue tint.

As a general rule, you should only replace LED backlight strips if you are comfortable with the disassembly of TVs.

It is possible to hire an LG technician or TV repair shop to do the work for you if you don’t want to do it yourself. 

Depending on how many strips you need, replacing LED backlight strips usually costs between one hundred and two hundred dollars. Some TVs have more LED backlight strips depending on their size, but most have nine to twelve. 

Replace the LED backlight strips on your LG TV to resolve the blue tint issue, which will save you hundreds of dollars.


Contact LG TV support if you are still experiencing Blue Tint Screen issues.


If you have followed all the troubleshooting steps above and your LG TV still has a blue tint, you should contact LG TV support directly.

Please feel free to contact the LG TV support team by calling 1-833-378-0003.

  • The LG TV support is open Monday to Sunday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

(The shortest waiting times can be found Monday through Friday, between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. EST).

You can also contact their support via text message or via the LG Live Agent chat service.




In the event that you have noticed that your LG TV is displaying a blue tint, don’t panic, since there are several proven fixes you can try.

  • Power cycle your TV.
  • Check all your HDMI connections.
  • It is a really smart idea to run a test of the TV picture.
  • It is imperative to ensure that your LG TV’s software stays up to date.
  • Factory reset your TV, with or without your remote.
  • Replace your TV’s LED backlight strips.
  • Contact LG TV support.
  • Check your LG warranty.

Let’s hope that at least one of these solutions worked for you if you have a blue tint screen on your LG TV!


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