Maytag Bravos XL Washer Reset – The Ultimate Guide

You can use this troubleshooting guide to find out how to reset the Maytag Bravos XL washer and get it back to its factory settings.

You can use this procedure to fix your Maytag Bravos XL washer if it begins to malfunction and you need to reset it. By performing a reset on the Maytag Bravos XL washer, you can eliminate many problems and save money. However, you can also save time (inviting a technician to look at it can be costly).

The next few tips will assist you in troubleshooting Maytag Bravos XL washers in order to resolve various problems. You should always start troubleshooting these types of washers by resetting them:


Maytag Bravos XL washer reset directions (easy and handy troubleshooting tips).

The basic steps to reset your washer.

  • Disconnect the washer’s power (or unplug it).
  • Please wait for three to five minutes before continuing.
  • Try plugging it back in (returning its power) and seeing if it now works.


The alternative reset procedure (if the above procedure does not work).

It is possible to reset the Maytag Bravos XL washer in another way in fact, this actually recalibrates the washer).

Most poor wash performance issues can be resolved after replacing critical components such as the main control, the drive assembly, the basket, suspension, the motor, the capacitor, and more.


As a starting point:

  • Ensure that your washing machine drum is empty of clothing items and water.
  • Ensure that the lid is closed properly.
  • Make sure the machine is in standby mode (plugged in but all LEDs and indicators are off).


Calibrating Maytag Bravos XL washer and performing Reset.

  1. Make sure the washer’s Cycle Selector knob is turned counterclockwise or left once (the whole way around).
  2. The knob should now be rotated clockwise (right) – move it clockwise three times (count one, two, three as you rotate the dial clockwise).
  3. Next, click up one notch (rotate the knob counterclockwise/left).
  4. Go one more click down (turn the knob clockwise/right once more).
  5. Now, click/turn it until all the LEDs begin blinking on/off – keeping going clockwise/right.
  6. Still, don’t stop–continue clicking it (one click/turn at a time)- until the Rinse only option lights up.
  7. You should now hit/press the Start button if it has lightened up

The washer will immediately begin to recalibrate (the LED lights will blink across the various wash options once it has started).

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Once the lid unlocks and the washer enters stand-by mode, the Recalibration Cycle should finish in about 2-4 minutes.


Here is another alternative reset procedure (which may work on some Bravos XL washer models).

  1. Make sure the dial (Cycle Selector knob) is at 12 o’clock (turn dial 1 counter-clockwise or right until 12 is again at the top).
  2. The dial is then rotated three (3) times clockwise (right).
  3. The dial must then be rotated one (1) turn counter-clockwise (left) and one (1) turn clockwise (right).
  4. In order to turn the dial four(4) turns clockwise(right), turn the LEDs on and off four(4) times. Wait until the Rinse Option lights up and some options will begin to illuminate.
  5. Hit/press the Start button once more after the rinse LED has lit up.

This is what resets the washer in some cases (if there are any saved sequences saved to the washer, it will clear them).

The calibration cycle should take about 4 minutes (maximum) and your washer will go into standby mode when it’s done.

Tips that are important.

  • Calibration must not be interrupted, the washer disturbed, or the power disconnected (to the washer).
  • When a calibration cycle is run on a washer that has a porcelain basket, the cycle will typically take longer to complete.
  • Ensure the washer’s drive system moves freely (and is not bound) before you run calibration.


Maytag Bravos XL washer problems troubleshooting that are typically resolved by resetting.

Maytag Bravos XL washers are routinely reset to fix the following faults:

  • Fault codes on Maytag Bravos XL washers: Try resetting your washer if it displays strange error codes.
  • In some cases, you may need to replace the washer’s lock switch to permanently fix the lid lock button not opening.
  • Washer starts to beep and LEDs flash continuously (for quite a while) before restarting. Particularly after a terrible storm (when there was excessive lightning and power had gone out).
  • Occasionally, the machine does not agitate but only spins.
  • There is a persistent spinning challenge (you just keep spinning and spinning).
  • Your control board has been replaced and you are experiencing problems.
  • If you leave your machine unplugged for a few days, it won’t work at all (even though power is being supplied).



You should try calibrating it if the “usual” reset procedure of unplugging and reconnecting the Maytag Bravos XL washer fails.

You might find this useful if you’ve replaced the following parts on your washer: Main Control, Drive Assembly, Suspension, Basket, Motor, and Capacitor.

Try it out and see how it goes- you might be able to solve a lot of washer problems with it.


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