Perhaps you just bought a new TV, or perhaps your old TV is finally showing some signs of wear and tear. You may be wondering how long do your TVs (centerpieces of your living room) will last in either case. The objective of this post is to assist you with the answer to the question, How long do TVs last?
So, how long do LED TVs last if you purchase them now? OLED TVs sound interesting, don’t they? Based on our research and hands-on experience, we can give you a better idea of what we mean.
Assume you have recently purchased the 65-inch TCL-8 Series TV, one of our favorites on a budget.
This TV has a lot of components, but the LEDs in its backlight are most likely to fail first. Depending on their brightness, LEDs last between 40,000 and 60,000 hours, or 4.5 to 6.8 years when they are at their maximum. The 8-Series LED TV could last around 13 years if you don’t watch TV 24 hours a day (which I hope you don’t). Let’s take a look at how long do modern TVs last, and how we can increase the lifespan of these TVs as a result.
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How long Do TVs Last?
It’s a big “if” since most TVs today are smart TVs, running operating systems. Your TV’s operating system requires regular maintenance through firmware updates. There may come a time when a manufacturer will no longer support a TV from five years ago, for example. The company is focusing on supporting its newer TVs instead, after all, it has been five years since the company last supported its older TVs.
It is entirely up to the brand of TV to determine the quality of its software and the frequency of its firmware updates. Due to this, as well as the likelihood of receiving better quality hardware components, we recommend buying a TV from a major, reputable brand.
Even if you watch eight hours of TV a day and keep your LEDs clean, your TV might begin to fail after six or seven years.
How Do Newer TCL TVs Last Longer?
Is there a way to find out how long the new TCL series-8 TVs would last? The cost of the TV and how much you want to stay on top of technology will determine your decision. In the world of television technology, five to seven years is basically a lifetime in terms of technology. It is estimated that a 50-inch full-HD TV cost around $800 seven years ago. Over the past few years, cheaper 55-inch 4K/HDR TVs have gotten readily affordable.
Additionally, if you are a gamer or an A/V enthusiast, you might be able to take advantage of certain advancements in TV technology if you are an enthusiast. Sony’s PlayStation 5 and Microsoft’s Xbox Series X, for example, support features that were not even available on most TVs six or seven years ago. It’s likely that you’ll want to replace your TV before it dies, whether or not you’re a gamer.
By following these instructions, you’ll be able to maintain your TV in good operational condition for a long time.

Do LED TVs have a way to extend their life?
Dimming the backlight can extend the lifespan of LEDs by five to seven years at maximum brightness.
Most TVs in living rooms are set to Standard or Energy Saving mode, which don’t look as good as Dynamic, Vivid, or Movie mode.
The Vivid or Dynamic mode usually looks better to people since it maximizes the TV’s Backlight and Contrast settings, so it’s brighter and more colorful. Additionally, in that mode, the LEDs on the TV tend to wear out faster and obscure picture details.
LEDs can last over a decade at lower backlight settings.
It is therefore recommended that you turn down the backlight to 75% or less even if you do not wish to change the picture mode. At first, your TV will seem dimmer and less impressive, but after a few days, your eyes will adjust. Moreover, LEDs can last for over ten years at low backlight settings. If you reduce the backlight on your TV, it should last until the ten-year mark, although you’ll likely want to replace it well before then.
How Long Do OLED TVs Last?
A new display technology known as OLED stands for organic light emitting diode, and its hardware is more advanced than traditional LED televisions. OLED TVs do not require LED backlighting, which makes them extremely energy-efficient. The contrast of a display with self-illuminating pixels is greater, and the panels are thinner (among other advantages).
OLED panels lose brightness over time, but LG (one of the world’s leading manufacturers of OLED panels) estimates it will take 54 years for them to reach 50% brightness. In 54 years, you won’t own a TV and the technology hasn’t been around long enough to test that claim.
The terms “burn-in” and “image retention” are sometimes used interchangeably in relation to OLED displays. It is important to understand the differences between these two as well as the resemblances between them.
Image retention occurs when an image remains on a screen regardless of content changes. Usually, it appears as a faint ghost, and on most TVs, it fades away after a few seconds. Burn-in, on the other hand, is an image retention method that lasts much longer, and is usually visible after switching from one movie or TV show to another. Static images are left on screens for a long period of time, causing this problem.
What are the best TV brands and how do they last long?
You will find that the price you pay increases both the internal and external features of your TV.
When it comes to durability, no matter what model you select or what price you pay, there is one thing that always remains constant.
Durability is one area where four brands have demonstrated their worth significantly.
LG TV Brand
Panasonic TV Brand
Sony TV Brand
Samsung TV Brand
OLED TVs have been plagued by both terms since they were first introduced, but the truth is that there isn’t much to worry about.
It shouldn’t be a major concern for most people to worry about image retention and burn-in.
Modern OLED TVs are not prone to image retention or burn-in except under extreme circumstances. Long-term OLED burn-in only occurs if a static image is displayed for more than 20 hours, and minor image retention issues disappear with time.
Most people shouldn’t be concerned about image retention and burn-in. Having worked with OLED televisions for hundreds of hours, burn-in does not appear to be an issue.
The image retention of your OLED TV may be an issue at first, but it will improve over time. Under extreme circumstances, the effect is only visible, and it doesn’t seem to last very long. You can resolve image retention by turning off your OLED television for five to ten minutes and then turning it back on.
Using your OLED TV like a normal TV won’t cause long-term burn-in right out of the box. Keeping an image on the screen for over 24 hours straight would result in permanent damage. Airports and sports bars might be concerned, but otherwise there is no need to worry. Screensavers and dimming functions are used by most source devices to reduce OLED brightness.
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