Honeywell Thermostat Flashing “Cool On” Complete Guide

Step-by-step instructions are provided: Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Cool On? Here is How to Fix

A Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Cool On could mean one of two things. The AC system might be kicking-off, and this can take up to five minutes, or you might have a bigger problem you need to troubleshoot. Here are some steps to follow.

Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Cool On

Time to upgrade?

Smart thermostats come with automatic home and away modes that can save you money. Don’t waste energy heating or cooling empty spaces!

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How does the “Cool On” indicator work?

Here’s a quick discussion about Cool On. A thermostat controls certain system/operation modes, including the Cool On indicator. The Heat On feature simply lets you know the system has begun working. Your air conditioning is now on. 

Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Cool On for just a moment does not indicate a problem with your Honeywell thermostat. These flashings are for your safety. The purpose of this is to protect your compressor, allowing it to cycle for around five minutes before being damaged. A power outage may also lead to this.

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How to troubleshoot a blinking “Cool On” indicator

Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Cool OnIt is necessary to troubleshoot the problem if the “Cool On” indicator blinks continuously and cool air is not going through your system for longer than 5 minutes. To identify the problem, follow these steps.

1. Lower the thermostat to its lowest setting

If the thermostat cannot control the cool blinking on thermostat, you need to check this here. To find out if the controller needs cooling, try adjusting the settings.

A minimum temperature reading should be set. Verify that the fan mode is set to Auto and that the mode is set to Cool. Let it rest for a while and check if anything happens or if the temperature changes.

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2. Make sure the thermostat is in setup mode or that the clock is set

Have you recently experienced a power outage? Then your thermostat will most likely be in setup mode. It may blink while this is happening. Make sure your thermostat is set or off if it’s not. If not, make the necessary adjustments.

3. Replace the thermostat batteries

There will be no cooling or heating if the thermostat batteries are not charged enough. Replace the batteries if necessary.

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The thermostat should display an indicator of low battery. Your thermostat typically displays this for 2 months after it starts.

In the event that your thermostat uses 24 VAC instead of batteries, you should check your wiring. The system will need to be turned off in order to do this. Once you’ve removed the thermostat, you’ll need to look for the C-wire. You may have to unscrew some thermostats first.

4. Check if Air Handler/Fans, Furnace, and AC unit have power

It may take a bit of patience at this point. Having tried the first few diagnostic methods but seeing no improvement, it’s time to take action.

Please make sure you do not hear any unusual noises from your units, such as clicking or humming.

Don’t take any chances. Is their power sufficient? Examine the power supplies, connectors, and sockets. Confirm that the power is turned on and that the connections are secure.

Make sure the equipment’s components are functioning properly. The doors should be closed tightly. Have any parts come loose? Have any objects blocked or otherwise interfered with the operation of the equipment?

Make sure the circuit breakers are functioning properly. You can also try switching equipment on and off. Other technical actions may need to be taken such as testing with a voltmeter for blown fuses.

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5. Check the indoor AC filter to see if it needs to be changed

Everything else in your house, including your air conditioner, should be fine. Your home’s cooling will suffer greatly if your indoor filter needs to be replaced. Your thermostat, equipment, and power bill will also be affected, as well as the quality of the air.

Around every three months, your air conditioner should have a new filter. Having clogged or dirty air filters causes your air conditioner to work harder and cause it to breakdown more often. As a result, its components could be damaged and the temperature could drop dramatically. An indoor coil may be partially or fully frozen due to blocked registers.

6. Check AC Coils and see if they are dirty

Check your external AC coils for dirt or debris as well as your indoor AC filter. Dirt will build up on your coil after a period of time, preventing proper airflow. Heat won’t be absorbed as effectively and air won’t be cooled as effectively.

If you see buildup on the fins of your AC unit, you need to clean the coils. Turn off the system before cleaning the coils.

Clean also the area around the AC to minimize clogging sooner. Ensure it gets enough airflow by keeping it away from surrounding elements (such as plants or leaves).

7. Reset the thermostat

After separating possible problems from other equipment, your thermostat can be reset to factory default settings. Leaving your settings and program untouched may mean you forget certain configurations, so make sure you write them down.

Honeywell thermostat reset in a variety of ways, depending on the model. To be safe, power down the C-wire if it’s powered by it.

You’ll find Reset, Factory, or Factory Reset if your model has a Menu button, which you can press (or press and hold) for a few seconds. In other models, it may be located under Preferences. You can find instructions on how to reset your thermostat to factory defaults in this link. Other models may have different instructions.

Once you’ve reset the thermostat, set it up again to your previous configuration or make any changes you desire.

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8. Check Manual

Be sure to bring your usual manual! Perhaps it will answer your questions. This may differ according to the model of your thermostat. There is a possibility that you will be unable to understand the display on the thermostat. Check your manual to learn how to fix common problems.

Have you misplaced your physical manual? It’s probably available online somewhere. You can find most Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Cool On manuals on our handy list. Searching and identifying your model is easy with our images.

9. Hire a professional!

In the event that all of the above have failed, it might be time to talk to a professional. It may be a simple fix for an HVAC technician if your system has been working properly recently but suddenly stopped.

Trained technicians can handle a wide range of issues, including damaged wiring, faulty capacitors, blocked sensors, and blown fuses. Further examination of the compressor, condenser, or fan motor of your system might be necessary.

Wires need to be checked for matching when a new installation is being made. It is also important to properly configure your thermostat to your system. You can ask your experts for assistance.

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Here is a guide to help you understand what Honeywell Thermostat Flashing Cool On means, when it should be ignored, and when it should be taken seriously.

You should be able to recover your computer in some time and save some money by following the above steps. Whether the above helped about how to set honeywell thermostat to cool or if you have other troubleshooting tips to share, please leave a comment.

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