Honeywell Thermostat Error Codes: Causes and Solutions

A leading thermostat manufacturer, Honeywell, regularly installs thermostats in Austin. In addition, their durability and reliability make them a good choice. Indeed, Honeywell’s technology is continually enhanced, resulting in more household features. Below are some Honeywell thermostat error codes you may encounter.

It is still possible for thermostats to malfunction from time to time, despite this. Thus, we have put together this helpful guide to troubleshoot. However, there are a few Honeywell thermostat error codes that require troubleshooting, but they do occur from time to time. 

Many Honeywell thermostat error codes can be resolved on your own, but they often require expert assistance.

To fix Honeywell thermostat errors, you must first determine which type of thermostat your residence has.


Is my thermostat a programmable or a programmable thermostat?

Thermostats come in three types:

  • Manual thermostats are the older dial-shaped thermostats. There will be no Honeywell thermostat error codes generated by this one, but it won’t lower energy costs as much as other Honeywell thermostats.
  • The thermostat provides a digital display and arrows for adjusting the temperature. With daily programs, you can lower the temperature while you’re away and raise it when you return.
  • With this thermostat, you won’t have to program it since it adapts to your schedule. As you or your loved ones are away, it intuitively adjusts the temperature to save you money on heating and cooling. With a Wi-Fi-enabled phone or other device, you can also adjust the temperature from anywhere. 

You are aware that most technologically advanced things can malfunction. Moreover, these Honeywell thermostat error codes are usually easy to fix without professional assistance.


Troubleshooting Honeywell Thermostat Error Codes

There are certain Honeywell thermostats that have unique error codes that correspond to the glitches that may occur with them.

You could imagine what it would be like if you were able to restore a computer just by restarting it. Moreover, correcting a thermostat is usually just as straightforward.

Honeywell thermostats commonly experience the following problems. Programmable thermostats offer the following features:

  • Basic Programmable Thermostat from Honeywell
  • Thermostat with touchscreen programming by Honeywell
  • Thermostat with day programming by Honeywell
  • 7-Day Programmable Touchscreen Thermostat by Honeywell
  • Lyric T6 Pro Wi-Fi Programmable Touchscreen Thermostat by Honeywell


The causes and symptoms of Honeywell thermostat error codes

If the screen on your programmable thermostat is blank, you may need to replace the batteries. However, the wiring might be faulty if that doesn’t fix the problem or you’re using a smart thermostat.

Make sure your furnace or air handler is powered on next. Then, turn on the switch next to the indoor equipment and make sure that it is turned on.

If you have a furnace cabinet or air handler, make sure that all doors/panels are tightly closed.

When the safety switch is triggered by an unsecured panel, the power is cut off.

Blank screens are less common, but you could need a new thermostat if the screen is blank.


A problem has been identified with the thermostat comfort system

When you are using your thermostat, make sure that it is set either to ‘heat’ or ‘cool’ when you are using it.

When the temperature rises in the summer, you should set the thermostat below the room’s temperature. Check to see if it is higher during the winter months. Many instances have occurred in which this has occurred.

Turn on the power switch near your indoor equipment to ensure that it is powered up. Make sure the doors or panels on your furnace cabinet or air handler are secure as well. It is possible for an open panel to trip the safety switch, resulting in power being diverted to the equipment.

Is your heating or cooling still not working? Ensure that your circuit breakers haven’t tripped if your HVAC equipment displays Honeywell thermostat error codes.

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There is a flashing “Cool On” or “Heat On” message

Ensure that either “cool” or “heat” is selected on your thermostat.

Next, make sure the correct unit is being signaled to run. Typically, this is demonstrated by an icon that says “cool on” or “heat on” or by a message that says “on”.

A five-minute delay icon or set of words indicates that your thermostat is in this mode. In addition, your system is protected from bad short cycling with this feature. Moreover, these Honeywell thermostat error codes may result in a power outage during a power outage.


Specific Honeywell Thermostat Error Codes

Honeywell Lyric™ T5 Wi-Fi (RCHT8612WF/RCHT9510WFW)

  • 210—For information on exterior temperatures, register online. It is recommended that you download the Lyric app in order to ensure accurate operation of your thermostat.
  • 187—It is important to clean the ventilator filter or replace it if it is dirty. When installing a new filter, hit “dismiss” to clear the thermostat.
  • 168—An error occurred with the Wi-Fi radio. You can reach Lyric customer service by calling 800-633-3991. 
  • 170—Error in the internal memory. Call 800-633-3991 for Lyric technical support.
  • 188/189—UV bulbs need to be replaced. Please contact Strand Brothers Service Experts at 512-592-3072 if you need assistance.
  • 181/182—Replace the air filter with a new one. Once a clean filter has been installed, the monitor should be cleared by touching the “dismiss” button.
  • 175—The AC power has been restarted. Nothing needs to be done.
  • 400—The Wi-Fi signal is not working. Alternatively, the thermostat needs to be reset or a new Wi-Fi network selected.
  • 171—Time and date should be set. So that scheduling can take place, finish these settings.
  • 164—It is necessary to have the heat pump serviced on a regular basis.
  • 399—There is no Internet connection. Your network settings need to be checked.
  • 185—The dehumidifier filter needs to be replaced. After adding a clean filter, tap “dismiss” to clear the monitor.
  • 508—The Wi-Fi is not configured. Connect your thermostat using the Lyric app.

However, there is more information about Honeywell Thermostats error codes in the user manual.


Smart Programmable Thermostat Honeywell T6 Pro 

  • 175—We have restored power to the AC system. There is no need to take action.
  • 168—A Wi-Fi radio error has occurred.
  • 171—Time and date should be set. Make sure these settings are finalized so scheduling can begin.
  • 164—It is necessary to service the heat pump. 512-592-3072 is the number to call if you need assistance.
  • 170—An internal memory error has occurred.
  • 173—Temperature sensor error on the thermostat.

A user manual is included with this thermostat so you can learn more about it.


Final thoughts

You should consider replacing an old thermostat right now if you use one. In recent years, thermostats have evolved as technology has advanced. Moreover, learning how smart thermostats can help you save money on heating and cooling bills while making your home more comfortable.


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