Unable To Connect To Samsung Server? – Multiple Easy Fixes

There are times when Samsung’s smart TVs have trouble connecting to the Internet. The “Unable to connect to Samsung server” error message is one of the most common alerts users report seeing.

What can be done to resolve the Unable To Connect To Samsung Server error?

There is a possibility that you need to reset your network if your Samsung TV says “Unable to connect to Samsung server”. You can do this by tapping Source on your remote, going to Settings (left-hand gear icon), Enter> General > Network > Reset Network. By doing this, the network settings will be restored to factory defaults, as well as the error unable to connect to Samsung server fixed.

Before finding this one, I tried a number of fixes, but none of them worked long-term. After I reset the Samsung TV’s network, my internet connection was reestablished and stayed connected.


Reset the Samsung TV’s network settings to fix the “unable to connect to Samsung server” error.

Occasionally, for whatever reason, your established connection fails and needs to be deleted and reestablished.

You can do this by tapping on Source on your remote, then going to Settings (the gear icon at the bottom left) > Enter > General > Network > Reset Network. By doing this, your Network settings will be restored to factory defaults.

As a result, your WiFi Network name and password will be deleted from your TV and you will need to redo this process (if this is what you want).

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After you reset your network, you’ll have to go back to Network Settings and sign back in, so make sure you have your WiFi Network name and password handy.

A few of you might need to try the additional troubleshooting steps detailed below if this fix for the “unable to connect to Samsung server” error does not work for you.


The number of the DNS server should be changed.

Check three or more of your other WiFi connected devices to see if they are working before trying this next fix for the “unable to connect to Samsung server” error. Take out your smartphone or tablet and surf the web, for instance.

The “unable to connect to Samsung server” error can be fixed if these devices are connected to WiFi and working properly. Continue below with the step to reset the router/modem if you don’t need to do this.


This fix for the “unable to connect to Samsung server” error will update your TV’s DNS server.

You can do this by tapping Menu on your remote and then selecting Network > Network Status. The TV will begin checking your wireless network connection.

If your connection isn’t working, you’ll see a pop-up that says you’re connected to the wireless network but not the internet.

You can find IP Settings at the bottom of this pop-up, and then scroll down to DNS Servers. You should be able to see something along the lines of “” as well as “”. If you do not see either of these, then you should change your DNS Server number to one of them.

Once you make this change, your TV should connect again and the “Unable To Connect To Samsung Server” alert should disappear.


Fix the “unable to connect to Samsung server” error by resetting your router/modem.

Your Samsung TV won’t be able to connect to the Internet if your router/modem isn’t working correctly.

Plug the router back in after unplugging it for a few minutes. The router will need a few minutes to fully reset, but once it’s back online, your Samsung TV should be able to connect to the Internet.

In the event this does not work, you can try a test of your internet connection. The router may also need to be moved closer to your Samsung TV for a stronger connection.

It may be necessary to hard reset your router/modem as a last resort. Use a paper clip or ballpoint pen to press the small button on the router/modem itself.

The new WiFi network will require you to re-setup your WiFi from scratch and reconnect all your devices.

Call your internet service provider’s customer service line if you continue to have internet connection problems after unplugging your router/modem and performing a hard reset.


IP Settings should be set to “Obtain automatically ”.

Occasionally, Samsung TV network settings get changed accidentally and that’s what’s causing the “unable to connect to Samsung server” error.

As an example, when the IP Setting is set to “Obtain manually”, the IP address is incorrectly obtained. As a result, your TV will not be able to connect to the Internet unless you enter your IP address manually.

Press Menu on your remote, followed by Network > Network Status > IP Settings to check your IP setting configuration.

In the IP Settings, just make sure that “Obtain automatically” is selected. It may not work for you, so change it if it does not!


To fix the “unable to connect to Samsung server” error, power cycle your Samsung TV.

Unplugging your Samsung TV from the wall socket is one of the most common ways to resolve the “Unable To Connect To Samsung Server” error.


In order to get the best results, you must wait for a full 60 seconds. Make sure it’s been at least a minute before you plug it back in.

When your Samsung TV is unplugged, find and hold the power button for 30 seconds. Your TV’s power button should be held, not the remote!

As a result, any residual power in the TV will be drained and the TV will be able to perform a soft reset. Switching the remote on and off is not the same as switching it on and off!

You should be able to connect to the internet once you plug the TV back in after 60 seconds.

It would be great if you could! Below are additional fixes for the “unable to connect to Samsung server” error.


The error “unable to connect to Samsung server” can be fixed by factory resetting the Samsung TV.

It’s time to try a full factory reset if power-cycling your TV did not work for you.

In order to reset your Samsung TV to its factory settings, you need to press the Home button on your remote control, then select Settings > General > Reset (in older models, you will need to navigate to Settings > Support > Self Diagnosis > Reset).

You are going to be required to provide your security PIN (“0000”). The TV will turn off and then turn back on, displaying the initial setup screen once again.

You can reset your TV’s PIN with your remote control if you forget it.

Press these buttons on your remote control while the TV is on to reset your PIN to “0000 ”.

  • If you are using the Samsung Smart Remote or Remote Control: Press the +/- (Volume) button > Volume Up > Return > Volume Down > Return > Volume Up > Return
  • The following steps should be followed on the Standard Remote Control: Press Mute > Volume Up > Press RETURN > Volume Down > Press RETURN > Volume Up > Press RETURN


Allow your Samsung TV a few minutes to reconnect once it has finished restarting.

You’ll most likely have to reenter your WiFi Network name and password, but hopefully it’s working again!


The Samsung Smart Hub needs to be reset.

In a nutshell, Samsung’s “Smart Hub” is just a configurable app store for your TV that can be customized to suit your needs.


Resetting the Smart Hub removes all information from your account and returns the settings to factory defaults.

The first thing you need to do is click the Settings button on your remote control. Press the Menu button instead of the Settings button if you don’t have one.


After that, click Support, followed by Self Diagnosis. The Reset Smart Hub option should appear and you should click it.

You will be prompted to enter your TV’s PIN, which is “0000” unless you previously set one. Your TV’s Smart Hub settings will be reset once you enter the PIN.

As soon as your Smart Hub has been reset, you should be able to connect your Samsung TV to the internet once more.



There are several proven fixes you can try if you get the “Unable to connect to Samsung server” error on your Samsung smart TV.

  • Your Samsung TV’s network needs to be reset
  • Your Samsung TV’s DNS server number needs to be changed
  • Your router/modem needs to be reset
  • The IP setting should be set to “Obtain Automatically”
  • You should power cycle your Samsung TV
  • Reset your Samsung TV to factory settings
  • Samsung Smart Hub needs to be reset

If none of these fixes work, contact Samsung support and they should be able to unblock you.

Would you be able to let me know whether you were able to fix the error “Unable to connect to Samsung server”? Please let us know how you did it in the comments section below if you have!


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