Pavy Universal Remote codes

Pavy Universal Remote codes

If you just bought a universal remote and you need the Pavy Universal remote Codes, this post outlines the codes below. There are a number of remote control codes for Pavy listed below. We provided more than one code for each device. So if one of the codes doesn’t work, please try out another code. The code is usually a 4-digits figure.

Pavy is one of the popular Television brands in the market. Usually, a Pavy TV comes with a remote control. But if for any reason you misplace your Pavy TV remote or it got spoilt, you can use a universal remote to program the TV.

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You need to know how to program your universal remote control to work with your Pavy TV before you can use the code. The guide on how to program a Pavy TV with a universal remote control has also been outlined below.

Brand Codes
Admiral 500, 501, 610, 614, 615,902
Advent 911, 932, 933
Aiko 900
Akai 601
AOC 103, 601, 617
Apex 000, 604, 618
Audiovox 100, 101, 900, 901
Belcor 617
Bell&Howell 611, 620
Bradford 901
Brockwood 617
Broksonic 614, 902
Candle 601, 619
Celebrity 605
Changhong 618
Citizen 601, 619, 900, 903
Clairtone 103
Concerto 619
Contec 103, 901
Craig 901
Crosley 301, 303
Crown 901
Curtis Mathes 100, 102, 301, 400, 401, 402, 405, 500, 603, 606, 611, 619, 620, 621, 903
CXC 901
Daewoo 100, 101, 617, 900
Daytron 617
Dumont 617, 700
Durabrand 201, 614, 615, 914, 918
Electroband 103, 605
Emerson 101, 103, 200, 201, 620, 901, 902
Envision 601
ESA 201, 601, 901, 903
Fisher 620, 801
Fujitsu 300, 615
Funai 201, 615, 901
Futuretec 901
GE 100, 200, 202, 400, 401, 402, 405, 607, 608, 802
Gibralter 601, 617, 700
Goldstar 601, 607, 617, 619
Grundy 615, 901
Haier 914, 918
Hallmark 607
Harvard 901
Hitachi 005, 606, 611, 916, 619
ILO 921, 925
Infinity 301
Inteq 700
Insignia 201, 301, 303, 614, 909, 919, 920, 934
JBL 000, 301, 604, 618
JCB 605
JC Penny 202, 400, 402, 405, 601, 607, 608, 609, 617, 800, 903
JVC 701
KEC 901
Kenwood 601, 617
KLH 618
KTV 103, 601, 901
Konka 001, 002, 003, 304, 904
LG 619, 700, 910
Logik 611
Luxman 619
LXI 301, 400, 402, 607, 609, 620
Magnavox 301, 302, 303, 601, 615, 617, 803, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909
Majestic 611
Marantz 301, 601
Matsushita 004,
Megatron 606, 607
MEI 103
Memorex 004, 104, 607, 611, 614, 615, 620
MGA 104, 500, 601, 607, 617
Minutz 608
Mitsubishi 104, 500, 601, 607, 617
Motorola 500, 802
MTC 103, 601, 617, 619, 903
Multitech 901
NAD 603, 607, 609
NEC 601, 617, 619
Nikko 601, 607, 900
Noshi 800
NTC 900
Olevia 923
Onwa 901
Optimus 004, 603, 620
Optonica 500, 610
Orion 614, 615, 902
Panasonic 004, 202, 610, 802
Philips 301, 601, 617, 803, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909
Philco 301, 601, 606, 614, 617
Pilot 601, 617
Pioneer 600, 603
Polaroid 400, 910, 913, 915, 917, 920
Portland 617, 900
Prism 202
Proscan 400, 402
Proton 102, 607
Pulsar 617, 700
Quasar 004, 202, 610, 802
RadioShack 400, 402, 607, 610, 617, 619, 620, 621, 901
Rhapsody 103
Roomconx 614, 615, 902, 924
Runco 601, 616, 700
Sampo 601
Samsung 601, 607, 617, 619, 903, 930
Sansui 614, 615, 902
Sanyo 620, 801, 931
Scotch 607
Scott 607, 615, 617, 901, 902
Sears 201, 301, 400, 402, 607, 609, 615, 620, 622, 801
Sharp 500, 501, 610, 929
Sharp (LCD) 500, 501, 610, 929
Shogun 617
Signature 611
Simpson 803
Sony 605
Soundesign 607, 615, 901
Squareview 201
SSS 617, 901
Starlite 901
Supreme 605
Sylvaina 201, 301, 601, 901
Symphonic 201, 901
Tandy 500
Tatung 802
Technics 004, 202
Techwood 202, 619
Teknika 104, 301, 605, 611, 615, 617, 619, 900, 901
TMK 602, 607, 619
Toshiba 609, 613, 620, 903
Trutech 101
Victor 701
Vidtech 607, 617
Vizio 927
Wards 301, 601, 607, 608, 610, 611, 615, 617, 619
Westinghouse 926, 928
White Westinghouse 101, 605, 614
Yamaha 601, 617
Zenith 611, 614, 619, 700, 900

How To Program Universal Remote Control For PAVY TV

Step 1 : Switch on your TV set you want to program.

Also Read  Remote Control Codes for Panasonic Tv

Step 2: Hold your Pavy universal TV remote to face your TV or device.

Step 3: Find the ‘TV’ option on your universal remote.  Press on to the ‘Setup’ button. It remote control will enter the Learning Mode.

Step 4: Find the codes that works with your device brand using the list of code listed above.

Step 5: If you got the process right, the tiny light will blink 4 times. When it does, pick any of the codes above for your device and enter. The button light will go off once you get the correct code. If not, try another code.

Step 6: Press any of the functions keys on your remote control. If it works, that means you got the steps correctly. If it doesn’t work, repeat the steps and try with another code.

How To Program Your Pavy Universal Remote With Remote Code Search

If you don’t want to go through the stress of finding the code of your for your device, you can program your universal remote using the search code option.

Step 1. Turn on the device you want to program

Step 2. Find the ‘Setup’ option on your universal remote control

Step 3. Enter this universal code 991

Step 4. Press any functional key on your universal remote to control your device.

If you have any code that is not included in these, please help us add it to the comment box. We will really appreciate it.

Check out other categories to find universal remotes codes for different brands of your gadgets.

Note that for the 3-digit codes, you can add an extra 0 in before the digits to make it work.

2 thoughts on “Pavy Universal Remote codes

  1. I have a Dynex TV I’m trying to set my universal remote to. I have a Pavy universal remote. I have no code I tried 991 code still nothing. I need your help please.

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