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Onn Universal Remote codes
If you need the Onn universal remote codes to program your television or any gadget, this post outlines the codes below. There are a number of universal remote control codes for Onn listed below. We provided more than one code for each device. So if one of the codes doesn’t work, please try out another code. The code is usually a 4-digits figure.
ONN is one of the popular universal remote control brands in the market. Most TV and gadgets come with remote control. But if for any reason you misplace your remote control, you can use a universal remote to program the TV.
You may also love to read: How to Pair ONN Headphones with an Android or iPhone Quickly?
You need to know how to program your universal remote control to work with your ONN TV before you can use the onn tv remote codes. There is a guide on how to program onn universal remote below. Ensure you read to the end of this post to see the guide.

All-In-One Onn Universal Remote Codes
- 5104
- 0514
- 5028
- 5018
- 5075
onn tv universal remote codes For Xfinity
0514, 2033, 1523, 1404, 0174, 0684, 1283.
3 Digits Onn Universal Remote Codes For Element TV
153. 252, 046, 096, 155, 005, 168, 154, 121, 004, 028, 121, 236, 043, 051, 076, 247, 121, 238, 048, 127.
4 Digits Onn Universal Remote codes
Abex | 5104 |
Accurian | 5126, 5196 |
Accuscan | 5027, 5129 |
Acme | 5043 |
Action | 5018, 5049, 5065, 5075 |
ADA | 5046 |
ADC | 5037, 5214 |
Admiral | 5027, 5028, 5060, 5065, 5074 |
Advantz | 5012 |
Advent | 5025, 5131, 5156, 5214 |
Adventura | 5232 |
Adventuri | 5179 |
Agna | 5214 |
Aiko | 5083 |
Aiwa | 5173, 5264, 5265 |
Akai | 5018, 5048, 5057, 5058, 5076, 5081 |
Alaron | 5043, 5074 |
Alba | 5001 |
Albatron | 5065 |
Alfide | 5057, 5058 |
Alleron | 5018, 5043, 5244 |
Amark | 5006, 5027, 5065 |
Ambassador | 5110, 5214 |
America Action | 5028 |
American High | 5081, 5179 |
Amstrad | 5091, 5110 |
Amtron | 5028, 5179 |
Anam | 5028 |
Anamnational | 5028, 5068, 5071, 5262 |
Aomni | 5204 |
Apex | 5116, 5130, 5142 |
Apple TV | 5053 |
Apex Digital | 5008, 5049, 5130 |
Archer | 5065 |
Aspect | 5094 |
Astar | 5198 |
Asuka | 5001 |
Audinac | 5028 |
Audio-Technica | 5075 |
Audiovox | 5028, 5065, 5074, 5075, 5083 |
AUVIO | 5077, 5105, 5162, 5196 |
Aventura | 5091 |
Axion | 5208, 5145 |
Basicline | 5001 |
Baycrest | 5009 |
Baysonic | 5028 |
Beaumark | 5018, 5074, 5075 |
Belcor | 5018, 5075 , 5095 |
Bell&Howell | 5074, 5084, 5090 |
BenQ | 5029, 5115, 5182 |
Bluesky | 5152, 5278 |
Bradford | 5028 |
Brockwood | 5018, 5075, 5095 |
Broksonic | 5011, 5028, 5060, 5065 |
Brokwood | 5095 |
BUSH | 5147 |
Candle | 5009, 5018, 5095, 5232 |
Capehart | 5018, 5065, 5075, 5083, 5289 |
Carnivale | 5018 |
Carver | 5043, 5090 |
CCE | 5190 |
Celea | 5201 |
Celebrity | 5048, 5179 |
Celera | 5201 |
Centrios | 5021 |
Centurion | 5095 |
Cetronic | 5071 |
Changhong | 5008, 5180, 5201 |
Cinego | 5121 |
Cineral | 5083, 5152 |
Citek | 5027, 5129 |
Citizen | 5006, 5009, 5012, 5018, 5028 |
Civet | 5049 |
Clairtone | 5049 |
Clarion | 5028 |
Classic | 5018, 5071, 5075 |
COBY | 5183, 5261, 5284 |
Color voice | 5043 |
Coloryme | 5018, 5027, 5043, 5075, 5081 |
Colt | 5075 |
Commercialsolutions | 5027, 5129 |
Concerto | 5095 |
Conic | 5075 |
Concierge | 5291 |
Contec | 5014, 5028, 5049, 5071 |
Cornea | 5075 |
Craig | 5012, 5028, 5071, 5074, 5091 |
Crosley | 5018, 5028, 5090, 5091 |
Crown | 5028, 5057, 5058 |
Crownmustang | 5057, 5058 |
CTX | 5065 |
CurtisMathes | 5018, 5027, 5028, 5050 |
CXC | 5028, 5071 |
Cybervision | 5152 |
Daewoo | 5006, 5019, 5020, 5040, 5043 |
Dayton | 5075, 5083 , 5095 |
Daytron | 5018, 5083, 5095 |
Dell | 5075, 5146, 5190 |
Denon | 5002, 5076 |
Denstar | 5028 |
Diamond Vision | 5035, 5167 |
Digimate | 5243 |
Digistar | 5025, 5123, 5124, 5130, 5219 |
Digital Lifestyles | 5051 |
Digital Stream | 5153 |
Dimensia | 5129 |
Disney | 5060, 5089 |
Dukane | 5094 |
Dumont | 5028, 5075, 5095, 5288, 5291 |
Durabrand | 5023, 5028, 5060, 5065 |
Dwin | 5084, 5129 |
Dynasty | 5071 |
Dynex | 5077 |
Eaton | 5081 |
Electroband | 5048, 5049, 5179 |
Electrograph | 5114 |
Electrohome | 5014, 5018, 5046, 5049 |
Elektra | 5288 |
Elite | 5001 |
Emerald | 5075, 5110 |
Emerson | 5011, 5012, 5027, 5028, 5040 |
Envision | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5127 , 5192 |
ESA | 5091, 5266 |
Fisher | 5014, 5087, 5090, 5179, 5247 |
Fortress | 5084 |
Fujitsu | 5009, 5074, 5135, 5244 |
Funai | 5028, 5071, 5074, 5091, 5117 |
Futuretec | 5028, 5071 |
Futuretech | 5028 |
Gateway | 5114, 5115, 5246 |
GE | 5004, 5007, 5012, 5018, 5027, 5033 |
Gemini | 5027, 5095, 5129 |
Gibralter | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5179 , 5291 |
Go Video | 5118 |
Go Vision | 5208 |
GoldStar | 5014, 5018, 5022, 5027, 5075 |
Goodmans | 5013 |
GPX | 5074 |
Gradiente | 5023, 5025, 5043 |
Grandtec | 5092 |
Granprix | 5074 |
Grundig | 5057, 5058, 5100 |
Grundy | 5028, 5074, 5244 |
Grunpy | 5028, 5074 |
Guestvision | 5267 |
Gvision | 5230 |
Haier | 5111, 5115, 5130, 5211, 5255 |
Hallmark | .5011, 5028, 5074, 5075, 5095 |
Hannspree | 5113 |
Harman/Kardon | 5090 |
Harvard | 5028 |
Hauppauge | 5207 |
Havermy | 5084 |
Helios | 5174 |
HewlettP-ackard | 5093 |
Hikone | 5001 |
Himitsu | 5028, 5131 |
Hisense | 5188, 5130, 5245 |
Hitachi | 5014, 5027, 5049, 5055 |
ILO | 5059, 5210, 5220, 5234, 5266 |
IMA | 5011, 5028, 5074, 5075 |
InFocus | 5129 |
Infinity | 5090 |
Initial | 5059, 5234 |
Insignia | 5025, 5060, 5066, 5070, 5077 |
Integra | 5043 |
Inteq | 5076, 5291 |
Janeil | 5232 |
JBL | 5090 |
JCPenney | 5007, 5009, 5014, 5033 |
JCB | 5048, 5179 |
Jensen | 5095, 5122, 5131, 5214 |
JIL | 5018, 5075 |
Jutan | 5018, 5075 |
JVC | 5014, 5018, 5055, 5090, 5099 |
Kamp | 5028, 5049, 5075 |
Kawasho | 5018, 5048, 5049 , 5075, 5095 |
Kaypani | 5289 |
KEC | 5028, 5081 |
KEC0041 | 5028 |
Kenwood | 5018, 5028, 5075 , 5095 |
KLH | 5008, 5028, 5201 |
Kloss | 5018, 5285 |
Kloss Novabeam | 5232, 5290 |
KMC | 5065 |
Kogi | 5230 |
Konka | 5001, 5028, 5047, 5066 |
Kurazai | 5288 |
Lark | 5247 |
Lasonic | 5167 |
Legend | 5025 |
LG | 5014, 5015, 5018, 5022, 5065, 5075 |
Liquidvideo | 5021, 5208 |
Lloyd’s | 5011, 5018, 5028 |
Lodgenet | 5129, 5268, 5288 |
Loewe | 5085, 5090, 5102 |
Logik | 5011, 5028, 5074, 5095, 5129, 5288 |
Luce | 5217 |
Luxman | 5095 |
Lxi | 5006, 5007, 5008, 5018, 5027, 5050 |
Macy | 5009, 5247 |
Magnasonic | 5008, 5018, 5065, 5074 |
Magnavox | 5006, 5009, 5012, 5018 |
Majestic | 5129, 5288 |
Marantz | 5018, 5043, 5086 , 5090, 5095 |
Matsui | 5095, 5110 |
Matsushita | 5056, 5079 |
Maxent | 5114, 5115, 5246 |
Medion | 5089, 5220 |
Megapower | 5065 |
Megatron | 5027, 5065, 5075, 5076 |
Mei | 5049 |
Memorex | 5018, 5028, 5060, 5074 |
MGA | 5014, 5018, 5046, 5055 |
MGN Technology | 5075 |
Microgenius | 5214 |
Midland | 5027, 5050, 5075, 5079 |
Mintek | 5059 |
Minutz | 5007 |
Mitsubishi | 5018, 5024, 5046, 5055 |
Monivision | 5039, 5065 |
Montgomery Ward | 5129, 5288 |
Moteva | 5247 |
Motorola | 5065, 5079, 5084, 5090, 5214 |
MTC | 5012, 5018, 5028 , 5049, 5075 |
Multitech | 5028, 5074 |
Multivision | 5036 |
Myron&Davis | 5174 |
Net TV | 5114, 5246 |
Newtech | 5095 |
Nexxtech | 5123, 5223 |
Nikei | 5071 |
Nikko | 5018, 5075, 5083 , 5095 |
Nikkodo | 5018, 5075, 5083 |
Niko | 5277 |
Nishi | 5018 |
Norcent | 5130, 5248, 5249 |
NTC | 5083 |
Nyon | 5179 |
Olevia | 5095, 5260, 5274, 5276 |
Oncommand | 5267 |
Onking | 5071 |
Onwa | 5028, 5071 |
Optimus | 5018, 5028, 5056, 5075 |
Optoma | 5113, 5221 |
Optonica | 5056, 5065, 5084, 5088 |
Orion | 5011, 5028, 5060, 5062, 5074 |
Pace | 5075, 5083 |
Palsonic | 5131 |
Panasonic National | 5008, 5011 |
Panda | 5100 |
Pausa | 5074 |
Paxonic | 5018, 5075, 5081 |
PCE | 5008, 5074, 5081 |
Penney | 5007, 5008, 5018, 5027, 5056 |
Philco | 5006, 5009, 5018, 5047, 5055 |
Philips | 5009, 5017, 5018, 5033, 5034 |
Philips Magnavox | 5090 |
Pilot | 5018, 5075, 5079, 5081 , 5095 |
Pioneer | 5032, 5043, 5095, 5104, 5172, 5224 |
PIVA | 5225 |
Planar | 5231 |
Polaroid | 5070, 5122, 5174, 5186 |
Portland | 5065, 5075, 5083 , 5095, 5214 |
Precision | 5011, 5012, 5028, 5049, 5110 |
Price Club | 5149 |
Prima | 5025, 5123, 5124, 5131, 5214, 5219 |
Princeton | 5065 |
Princeton Graphics- | 5065 |
Prism | 5056, 5079 |
Proscan | 5027, 5050, 5064, 5119 |
Proton | 5030, 5065, 5075, 5095 |
Protron | 5243 |
Proview | 5095, 5186 |
Pulsar | 5075 , 5083, 5095, 5288, 5291 |
Pulser | 5075, 5083 |
Quartz | 5075, 5214 |
Quasar | 5056, 5079, 5088, 5090 |
Rabbit | 5027, 5129 |
RadioShack | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5028 |
RCA | 5004, 5007, 5019, 5027, 5046 |
Realistic | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5028 |
Replay TV | 5096 |
Rhapsody | 5049 |
Road Authority | 5012 |
Runco | 5018, 5038, 5043, 5081 |
Sampo | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5095 |
Samsung | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5031 |
Samsux | 5095, 5149 |
Samtron | 5149 |
Sanky | 5018, 5075, 5081 |
Sansui | 5018, 5060, 5075, 5081 |
Santeca | 5254 |
Sanyo | 5005, 5014, 5027, 5060, 5073 |
Sceptre | 5116, 5150 |
Scimitsu | 5075 |
Scotch | 5075 , 5095 |
Scott | 5011, 5018, 5028, 5062, 5067 |
Sears | 5006, 5007, 5008, 5014, 5018 |
Seimitsu | 5075 |
Selectron | 5130, 5194, 5195, 5217 |
Semp | 5189 |
Sharp | 5010, 5028, 5045, 5065, 5074 |
Shengchia | 5084 |
Shivaki | 5075 |
Shogun | 5075 , 5095 |
Siemens | 5076 |
Signature | 5018, 5027, 5074, 5084 |
Silver | 5075 |
Simpson | 5009, 5018, 5075 |
Singer | 5081, 5083 |
Skyworth | 5194, 5195 |
Solardrape | 5179 |
Sole | 5127 |
Sonic | 5049 |
Sony | 5048, 5117, 5150, 5179, 5197 |
Soundesign | 5009, 5028, 5071, 5074 |
Sova | 5229, 5281 |
Soyo | 5108, 5279, 5280 |
Spectra | 5167 |
Spectravision | 5008, 5009, 5074, 5075 |
Spectricon | 5065 |
Squareview | 091, 5266 |
SR1740 | 091, 5247 |
SSS | 028, 5071, 5075 , 5095 |
Standard Components | 5001 |
Star Sight | 5292 |
Starlite | 011, 5028, 5075 |
Sunbrite | 5276 |
Superscan | 084, 5140 |
Supersonic | 5228 |
Supra | 5095 |
Supremacy | 009, 5232 |
Supreme | 048, 5179 |
SV1740 | 5090 |
SV2000 | 5090 |
SVA | 5130, 5174 |
Sylvania | 5006, 5009, 5017, 5018, 5027 |
Symphonic | 5028, 5067, 5074, 5075 |
Syntax | 5095, 5260, 5274 |
Tandy | 5001, 5065, 5084, 5088 |
Tatung | 5065, 5079, 5115, 5179, 5220 |
Teac | 5012, 5087, 5100, 5247 |
Technics | 5056, 5079, 5090 |
Technisat | 5195 |
Technol Ace | 5074 |
Technovox | 5018 |
Techwood | .5056, 5065, 5079, 5081 , 5095 |
Teknika | 5009, 5014, 5028, 5060, 5071 |
Telefunken | 5095 |
Telerent | 5129, 5288 |
Teleton | 5009 |
Tera | 5095, 5166 |
Tevion | 5220 |
Thomas | 5027, 5075, 5095, 5117, 5129 |
Thomson | 5027, 5129 |
TMK | 5011, 5028, 5075, 5095, 5110 |
Tocom | 5008 |
Tomashi | 5012 |
Toshiba | 5008, 5014, 5043, 5055, 5056 |
Tosonic | 5049 |
Totevision | 5079 |
Toyomenka | 5075 |
Truetone | 5056, 5079 |
Trutech | 5222, 5283 |
TVS | 5060 |
Uher | 5075 |
Ultra | 5075, 5083 |
Universal | 5007, 5027, 5033, 5129 |
Universum | 5043, 5110 |
V- | -5114, 5115, 5140, 5143 |
Venturer | 5098 |
Vidtech | 5075 , 5095, 5214 |
ViewSonic | 5114, 5139, 5140, 5143 |
Viking | 5232 |
Viore | 5082, 5159, 5206, 5218 |
Vivtor | 5251 |
Visio | .5114, 5115, 5140, 5143 |
Vizio | 5075, 5115, 5140, |
Vector Research | 5018 |
Victor | 5239 |
Vidikron | 5090 |
Vidtech | 5075 |
Viking | 5081 |
Wards | 5006, 5007, 5009, 5011, 5018 |
Waycon | 5008 |
Welton | 5075 |
Westinghouse | 5003, 5116, 5143, 5179 |
White-Westinghouse | 5011, 5019, 5060 |
World | 5011, 5028, 5060 |
XR | 0680 5028, 5074, 5091, 5247 |
Yamaha | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5132 , 5214 |
Yorx | 5018 |
Zenith | 5018, 5023, 5027, 5040, 5060 |
Zonda | 5065, 5131 |
You can use the above codes to control both your DVD player, TV, VCR, Cable, Home Theater, Blu-Ray and Satellite. Read down further to see the steps to program your universal remote to your Onn TV and Devices.
How To Program Onn Universal Remote Control
Step 1 : Switch on your TV set you want to program.
Also Read Remote Control Codes for Tv Brands
Step 2: Hold your Onn universal TV remote to face your TV or device.
Step 3: Find the ‘TV/SAT/AUX’ option on your universal remote and choose the one that best suits your device. Press on to the ‘Setup’ button. It remote control will enter the Learning Mode.
Step 4: Find the codes that works with your device brand using the list of code listed above.
Step 5: If you got the process right, the tiny light will blink 4 times. When it does, pick any of the codes above for your device and enter. The button light will go off once you get the correct code. If not, try another code.
Step 6: Press any of the functions keys on your remote control. If it works, that means you got the steps correctly. If it doesn’t work, repeat the steps and try with another code.
If you have any code that is not included in these, please help us add it to the comment box. We will really appreciate it.
Check out other categories to find universal remotes codes for different brands of your gadgets.
I own an ONN tv. I can’t pair the Directv remote volume to work on it. The remote will change channels, just not work the tv volume. The ONN brand doesn’t show up as a choice on the Directv remote paired code choices. What can I do to pair my directv remote to my ONN so the volume works?